取自第一篇文章“The results could then be compared to actual rollover data for that vehicle and the importance of other factors not considered in the static model (the suspension and the condition of tires).” 取自第二篇文章“All rollover events in the real world are dynamic events; none are truly quasi-static. ” 如果要用计算模拟动态(dynamic)的话,将要包括两个Model, 一个是Tire Model 另外一个是Chassis Model。有需要可以google这个文章“Vehicle Dynamics Control and Controller Allocation for Rollover Prevention” 文章的Tire Model部分也有提到摩擦力。 以下的大学论文第二章也有关于Tire Model 的资料。 web.ics.purdue.edu/~chiu2/research/thesis.pdf 以下的25-26页,也有提过摩擦力的影响: http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=10308&page=25 |
本帖最后由 anordinaryman 于 11-6-8 14:02 编辑 回复 ray9394 的帖子 以下的25-26页,也有提过摩擦力的影响: http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=10308&page=25 不错,第25页说到做成翻车第3条公式(Relationship 3)是这样: a/g > T/2H 而 a = lateral acceleration(横向加速率)= v^2/r 代入 a 可得: v^2/(g*r) > T/2H 改写成: v^2/(g*r) * H/(T/2) > 1 而 tan(θ) = H/(T/2),故此可写成: v^2/(g*r) * tan(θ) > 1 不就是你一直质疑是错误的公式吗? 倒是第五条公式(Relationship 5)谈到摩擦力的影响比较有趣: μ > T/2H 一般轮胎来说,μ 最大值界乎0.9至1之间,而1:10电车车宽(T)190mm,重心高度(H)怎样也不会超过45mm(除非车子重心落在电机之上方),T/2H 的值最少也超过 2 以上,根本就不能达到要求的临界条件。而这条公式最有趣的地方是μ、T、H都可以静态取值(μ 动态时只会减少),而不受车速影响,想像一下若 T/2H 值少于0.8时,是不是在任何车速下都会翻车?这个比较难理解。 |
本帖最后由 ray9394 于 11-6-8 18:19 编辑 The model that leads to Relationships 3 through 5 presumes that the vehicle is a rigid body. For real vehicles, rollover is expected in maneuvers that are less severe than called for by Relationships 3 through 5 because T is reduced as a result of lateral compliance of the suspension and tires, suspension kinematics (geometry changes), and body roll. In addition, for large roll angles, H can be increased by suspension kinematics. In particular, the lateral acceleration that, in time, produces rollover is lower than the level called for by Relationship 3. Thus for a real vehicle, Relationship 5 indicates that rollover is expected even if µ is less than T/2H. 首先这篇文章也是用静态计算。另外,以上部分也提到他们是假设汽车是一个实体。在真正反车时T和H都会有变化。其实要模仿翻车的计算不是这样简单,只是我们把大部分的要素都简化,你看另外一篇文就知道。 有关u(miu),到底模型车车胎与地面的摩擦系数是怎样?是否跟汽车一样? 还有就是玩M03,甚至TT01 都有抓翻的情况发生。 v^2/(g*r) * tan(θ) > 1这个公式我不是说它错,而是不合用而已。 |
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