本帖最后由 Traxxas 于 17-5-25 17:08 编辑 TRAXXAS技术贴视频第四期---船舶维护 视频原创发布者BY TRAXXAS 翻译者BY TRAXXAS中国总代理电波模型 以下是中国TRAXXAS总代理电波模型帮做出的翻译视频, 因涉及到模型专业术语,如若翻译有误,欢迎指正! 以英文原档为准,请参考: TRAXXAS – Marine Maintenance TRAXXAS boast are tuned for optimum performance right out of the box. With regular maintenance, your marine vehicle will continue to deliver high speeds and precision handling, run after run. For general maintenance, you will just need the tools included with your vehicle, some marine grease, and a lubricant like bearing oil or WD-40. Use an all-purpose cleaner, microfiber cloth, paper towels, and compressed air for cleaning between uses. After running a full battery pack, the motor and speed control may be very hot. Open the hatch and let the electronics cool off before unplugging the batteries and wait a few minutes before running another battery pack. Use reverse sparingly and pour out any accumulated water after each run. Before performing maintenance on the propeller or drive cable, make sure everything is powered off and the batteries are removed from the boat. Regularly check the propeller for damage and debris Even the smallest dick in the propeller can effect performance. If damage is detected, the prop should be replaced. If damage is detected, the prop should be replaced. The cable should be greased after every three runs or 15 minutes. With regular use of 3-cell LiPo batteries, the grease should be applied more frequently. Use the two included wrenches to loosen the collect behind the motor and remove the drive cable. You can take this time to remove the motor and lubricate the bearings. It is necessary to lubricate the bearings regularly to prevent corrosion. This is especially important after each running session or before storing your boat. Wipe off any excess and reinstall the motor. Dry the cable with a paper towel and then coat it with the included marine grease. Re-insert the cable and wipe off any excess grease. Now fully secure the drive cable in the collet and re-tighten. When storing the boat, clean and fully dry the hull and all components. Safety glasses or goggles are recommended when using compressed air to protect your eyes from debris. Leave the hatch off when storing to allow the components to air-dry. Use these simple maintenance tips to keep your TRAXXAS boat in top running condition. 请支持行货电子设备,电波模型总代理承担非人为损件保修一年,直接换新! 如果您想了解更多关于我们品牌的资讯, 请咨询电波模型淘宝店旺旺客服: http://rcmart.taobao.com/?spm=a1z10.1-c.0.0.U0xSpE 微信扫一扫,可得知最新资讯! 或联系我们 QQ :2713236907/270570161 手机:13712111381 王小姐 |
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