本帖最后由 Traxxas 于 17-7-7 19:24 编辑 TRAXXAS技术贴视频第十期---如何定制您的LaTRAX 四轴飞机 视频原创发布者 BY TRAXXAS 翻译者 BY TRAXXAS中国总代理电波模型 因涉及到模型专业术语,如若翻译有误,欢迎指正! 以英文原档为准,请参考: LaTRAX – HOW TO CUSTOMIZE THE LaTRAX ALIAS The LaTRAX Alias ready to fly quadcopter comes with everything you need to take flight. A full line of accessories for alias gives you plenty of options for upgrading and customizing your model. The LED light bar illuminates the night for high visibility flying. To capture in-flight photos and videos, install the HD camera. Create a custom look for your quad canopies, LED lenses, propellers and frames available in various colors. Anodized aluminum main shafts increase durability and expand your options for customization. These parts can be installed in minutes and give you endless options for customizing and upgrading your alias. 请支持行货电子设备,电波模型总代理承担非人为损件保修一年,直接换新! 如果您想了解更多关于我们品牌的资讯, 请咨询电波模型淘宝店旺旺客服: http://rcmart.taobao.com/?spm=a1z10.1-c.0.0.U0xSpE 微信扫一扫,可得知最新资讯! 或联系我们 QQ :2713236907/270570161 手机:13790546054 王小姐 |
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