本帖最后由 s235310241 于 16-2-11 01:32 编辑 前几日。TRAXXAS官方已经找到了大X的ESC着火的真正原因。只要你的大X是在2016年1月19号之前购买的。你的ESC就存在着火的潜在危险。TRX官方已经发布了大X的ESC召回。官方声称由于串联线的设计问题。原装的串联线无法承受电调的高电流。在极端情况下会导致短路。并引起电调的主动安全熔断。只要你在TRX召回的网页输入你的电调序列号。TRX官方就会给你发一个Fusible Link。也就是电调的串联线(如图所示)。安装非常简单。当然你也可以选择把电调寄给TRX帮你安装。本人在美国,这里的大部分本地玩家都已经拿到了trx寄来的线,并完成了安装。我也已经向官方发送了申请。我不知晓国内友人会得到怎么样的解决方式。不过不管怎么样,TRX在这个问题上,收到用户反馈后,及时调查解决,并且进行召回。这样的敬业精神。还是值得点赞。 ![]() ![]() 召回网址: https://traxxas.com/support/repair-exchange/20160115 官方原版声明: We apologize for the delay in product availability and have some additional information to share. Product: Traxxas X-Maxx Monster Truck Model #77076-4 with #3365 VXL-6s electronic speed control (ESC) Issue: Traxxas has received three reports of a fire erupting in the VXL-6s electronic speed control. As soon as Traxxas became aware of the issue, we worked to develop a solution. That solution is a replaceable fusible link. When a speed control demands excess amounts of current, the fusible link will fail, safely disconnecting the supply of power to the speed control. Traxxas is working with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) on a voluntary recall and should announce this formally in the coming days. We believe that this will be the only modification needed to assure that on rare occasion an electronic speed control fails in this manner, there will be no chance of fire. We will advise when we have CPSC’s formal approval on this matter. Thank you for your continued patience as we work through this process. PS:本人在对于TRX官方声明的语言转述上如有不妥,请大家谅解。很开心看到各位老鸟的质疑,反对,和认可。这些都是解决问题的方式,在我看来都是正面积极的回应,只是每个人表达不同罢了。大家互相理解才是最让人欣慰的。 |
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