你上会问我要的,http://home.scarlet.be/~be067749/58/ But there's a remedy for that; you can make the changes you like, as long as you don't disturb the balance too much. For instance, you can move the weight forward a little, but use a stiffer spring in front. This will give you more weight on the front tires, statically. So you'll get more turn-in, and probably a little more on-power steering, but you'll lose some rear traction. Or you can use an anti-roll bar in the rear, but use slightly softer rear springs. This will give you more steering in the middle part of the corner, and it will give you more forward traction. Another thing that's being used a lot is to use a higher RC in the rear than in the front, combined with stiffer springs (and damping) up front, and softer ones in the rear. This makes for a very stable car: it will turn in sharply at first, because of the stiff springs up front, but then, it will understeer a little, because with the stiff springs and heavy damping up front, it takes some time to transfer the weight onto the outside front t i re. This happens a lot faster in the rear. But eventually, when the weight is fully transferred, the car will steer very well. This setup can be very fast: the car can be 'thrown' into the corner, without losing a lot of speed because of the mild understeer. Then, at the apex of the turn, some braking will probably be needed, but after that the car will be very stable again, like in the entrance of the turn, which makes a high exit speed possible. 但是还是可以补救的,你可以按你喜欢的方式修改,但不要过多的破坏平衡。比如,你可以把重心往前移动,但是前面使用硬一点的弹簧。这将给前轮更多的静态重量。所以你有更多的进弯,和动力转向,但是失去一些后面的牵引力。或者你可以在后面使用防滚架,用稍微软一点的后弹簧。这将给你在弯中带来更多的转向,并且更多前向牵引力。另外一个比较常用的方法就是后面用较高的滚动中心,并且前面用较硬的弹簧和油,后面软一点。这个将会带来很好的稳定性:急剧的初始转向,因为前面用了硬弹簧和稠的油,但是随后一点点的转向不足,因为硬的弹簧和稠的油,这将花一点时间把重量转移到外前恻。这个转移在后面就快很多。但是最终等转移到位,转向就很好了。这个设定会很快:车子被甩进弯里,由于有点转向不足,所以没有损失多少速度,在弯中的时候需要一点点减速,然后车子就恢复稳定了,是高速的出弯成为可能。 |
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