GeekyLion 中级 Fans 发消息
发表于 14-1-3 01:58:51 |显示全部楼层 来自: 英国
第一贴中得到了各位大神神一般的点评,让我对RC 有了一个初步的认识。也有一小撮不明真相的群众批评我说我问问题态度不好 好像在质问。。。我想这也从另一个角度反应了我加入RC大家庭的急切心情吧:D

由于大神们的打救, 我跟当地的某RC CLUB联系了, 他们很欢迎新人加入。 更让我惊奇的是 MI5的设计者之一 , SCHUMACHER签约车手CHRIS GRAINGER 也是这里的常客!!! 虽然是个至今连车都没有的小白, 但是最近研究SCHUMACHER 还是让我对鼎鼎大名的他 肃然起敬。。。

说正事:在这个CLUB的一个大神由于工作调动 以后不玩了,他有意把自己的家产都卖给我。 这件事让我陷入了沉思。。。买2手是不是更适合新人。 如果按原计划从MI5搞起 全套新的 预算会是多少? 其实自己根本没底。。。于是思来思去 我就想到了 来论坛问各位大神不就行了,呵呵 。请百家争鸣黑黝黑。他的家产如下 总共大概7,8000人民币。 大家帮我合计一下划不划算好么:D  , 如果在这买个新车然后从国内带剩下的 跟这差不多, 那我就不用玩2手啦。如果差距巨大 , 那我就收了!

The car is a Shumacha MI4 CX, The car is under a year old, but Its only really been used once a week for about 6 months of the year ( 2011), problems relating to my old work and also my new job now means I can no longer use it! so the wife says it must go.. The car has many up grades on it, these include..

Toughened drive shafts.
New Spec r springs
New spec r rear gears in rear diff
Toughened both front and rear belts,
I have the hop up wish bone mounts but never fitted them.
Indoor top deck conversion.
New drive shaft bearings all round
New seals on diff
Double post for steering.
Light weight spring holders on shocks.
The car has a TEKIN 13.5T Motor fitted, ( only used a handfull of times. Still have the box! and only in Blinky mode!)
Hobbywing Extreme stock ESC ( set to Blinky, But has the fastest/latest software, I also have the Pro program box leads etc )
I have fitted a very fast Digi Savox Servo ( SC-1258 TC )
It has Medium flex wishbones,
2.4 GHZ DX3c controller and RX
5th Body front mount.
Other parts etc I have include,
Brand new LTCR body shell.
Lipo charger, and power converter.
Spare Hobbywing 13.5t brushless motor, and also a BL540T brushless Motor ( These are supposed to be as fast as the Correllys and the Graupners " or so I have read! )
Various Tools for Stripping the car and setting the car up.
Ansmann Setup kit ( ie to set Droop, camber etc.)
Bodyshell reamer
Lipo 5amp charger
Power converter
3000, Nicad pack to power the fan on the car stand
Fan assisted car stand.
6000 60C Xcelorin Lipo
2x Demon power 5000 40c+ Lipos
Brand new 28JB wheels and tyers
Hardley used set of 28jb's
Charging bag that will hold two batterys
Full set of spec r springs, and other types.
Various size pinion gears
C hubs- front and rear
Drive shaft shims/pins etc
and much more.
all comes in a wheeled carry box.






花色s伪乐 元老 Fans 发消息
发表于 14-1-3 08:23:37 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江绍兴
小包 超级元老 发消息
发表于 14-1-3 10:02:59 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
比如  Lipo charger, and power converter.


V8赛车 超级元老 发消息
发表于 14-1-3 11:15:36 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东广州
宅宅宅 超级元老 发消息
发表于 14-1-3 11:38:07 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国福建福州
dlok 论坛元老 发消息
发表于 14-1-3 13:32:30 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东广州
satwe 超级元老 发消息
发表于 14-1-3 14:03:29 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江杭州
hsiu RC 新手 发消息
发表于 14-1-3 14:21:25 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国台湾
Mi4cx我也擁有過,改了不少才好跑。 Mi5性能好很多 而且放電裝的空間也比較大
GeekyLion 中级 Fans 发消息
发表于 14-1-3 17:05:55 |显示全部楼层 来自: 英国

Yokomo BD7

Excellent condition, ran for approx. 10 indoor meetings, would pass for new apart from a couple of very small cosmetic marks.

Fitted with graphite wishbones front and rear, graphite steering knuckles and graphite rear hubs, some metal shielded bearings have been replaced with new blue rubber shielded bearings due to  Track carpet fluff, other than that car is 100% original.

3000cst in rear diff, shocks 500cst 3x1.1 hole.

Includes Hot Bodies Subaru shell in fair condition.

Includes box and manual.

£150 collected track.


Rolling Chassis
Has the usual scratches on the bottom of chassis
New belts only done 1 meeting (Mendip National)
Box & instructions


MI5好是毫无疑问的了, 这些卖家当的人们好多都是为了去投靠MI5的。 只是我想第一辆车是不是不需要买一手呢?省钱嘛,所以就想知道这价钱值还是不值呢?国内有没有像这种2手交易我可以比较的呢?
GeekyLion 中级 Fans 发消息
发表于 14-1-3 17:09:37 |显示全部楼层 来自: 英国
hsiu 发表于 14-1-3 06:21
Mi4cx我也擁有過,改了不少才好跑。 Mi5性能好很多 而且放電裝的空間也比較大

是de 毕竟是MI5把我吸引进RC的 ,毕竟在英国那么多年了 我对BRITISH ENGINEERING充满信任啊。 我的疑问是:我一开始想着是买了车架 把该配齐的配齐就行了。但是看了这些玩家的大箱子, 我感觉貌似远不只这些啊 如果那个大箱子和里面的各种东西我都买新的,会不会首付就没了:(

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