终于看见官网上的标志了,消息也已经证实,而且静冈展中 1/10 アバンテ 2011 アバンテ正是avante的名字 另外未经证实是一些配置的消息 Tentative price including tax 52800 yen. The main chassis is equipped with a CPR unit was assumed. Mechanical response to the current FRP double deck, not made Changes, including increased strength carbon material. Riyadanpasute carbon material can be. Same package size and design models to reprint the original box. Parts will be reproduced in blister. Tamiya original decals with changes in detail. The front knuckle machined aluminum parts and change the intensity increased while pursuing the same shape. Specifications can change the oil o-ring to be a lower cap ring that can be easily replaced. For unspecified motor is still attached. Be able to reproduce the image of the original gold color. Number of turns, motor can, end bell, colored stickers are to be considered 5万多日元的复刻看来玩得可真不小,T记收藏之乐看来一去不复返了,不过我还是会买一台的 |
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