
Team Associated SC10短卡设定App

12-6-29 16:35| 发布者: rcfans| 查看: 4543| 评论: 2

Team Associated SC10短卡(Short Course)的设定App推出新版本了。苹果iPhone,iPod touch用户可以在App Store内更新和下载新版本APP。这款App的主要功能是方便玩家通过移动设备记录、收集和参阅车子的设定表,同时为玩家提供设定建议。

What’s new in this version:

• Added 5 more setups. Now 10 blank setups included.
• Added “Factory Team Parts Installed” section for each setup. Just check off each part you have installed.
• Added “Standard SC10 FT Setup” button to Front Suspension, Rear Suspension, and Shocks. Tap it to fill in the Note fields with the standard FT SC10 settings. Good for reference, and if you’re using the standard settings, it’ll save time typing.
• Added to Track Conditions the ability to select options for “Weather, temperature” and “Weather, humidity.”
• Added a screen to add your preferred base settings for electronics, and added a Base Setup button to each Electronics page to display those settings on that setup’s page. This way, you won’t need to enter them over and over for each setup.
• Added a button next to several settings to display a brief explanatory cheat sheet for the Front Suspension, Rear Suspension, Shock, and Body/Weight pages. Pages are extracts from the RC Cheat Sheets app and eBook.
• Added page for you to add details for five favorite tracks, including checking off their amenities. Will help you remember what you need to pack next time.
• Added new feature called “Setup Testing.” Use this page during the process of testing your setting adjustments on the track to keep a record of what change works and what doesn’t.
• Added SC10 online setups in-app from 2009-2011. They are oversized to read easily – no pinch-to-zoom needed.  No online connection needed.
• Added a Delete Everything button on the home page. This will delete all the user-entered data from the app, resetting all fields to blank.
• Added links to our online tips and tricks videos that would be helpful to 1:10 2WD vehicle owners. Active connection required.


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    引用 八乙女澈 12-6-29 18:21
    引用 panzhrek 12-6-29 17:05


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