
2016 Serpent 亚洲杯

16-9-30 18:58| 发布者: rcfans| 查看: 5720| 评论: 1


Serpent Asia Cup 2016 —— Race Announcement
Serpent proudly present the return of the popular Serpent Asia Cup for the year 2016!

The 2 days event, starting on the 3rd of December will be held at the TRC racing track in Hong Kong. Running at the same time with the popular HK Cobra GT race series final, the Serpent Asia Cup will include 1/8th On-Road class, 1/10th Nitro Touring Class and 1/8th Nitro GT classes, all classes will be Serpent chassis only.

The weekend will be combined with a Serpent Asia Distributor Meeting.
The race will provide the Serpent family all over the world a great chance to meet. Special guest drivers from our factory team will also be attending. Names to follow. Drivers from any part of the World can attend ! Full info on hotels and travel to follow.
We hope to see you there !

Team Serpent



  • 视频 时速过百 Traxxas Rustler VXL 泥地滑行
  • 视频 Traxxas Rustler VXL 挑战极限运动山
  • 视频 Traxxas TRX-4 征服加州荒野
  • 发表评论


    引用 德玛西亚之力 16-10-2 15:08


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