History of Remote Control Car Andrew McClain By Andrew McClain, eHow Contributor Remote control cars have been entertaining people since the mid-1960s. Although the first remote-controlled cars arrived on shelves in the mid-1960s, early hobbyists started adding motors to small plastic models in the 1950s. Even though small nitromethane engines were available in the 1940s, and radio control technology was used in World War II, radio control was not truly commercially viable until the advent of the transistor. As transistors revolutionized electronics, smaller, more simple and less power-intensive radio control systems appeared. Shortly after this, hobbyists began making simple remote-controlled cars that could only run on roads, sidewalks or parking lots. However, it was not long before companies started releasing models to the general public. 1. The Early Days o In 1966, an Italian company, Elettronica Giocattoli, produced the first remote-controlled car, a Ferrari 250LM. They followed it up with a Ferrari P4 two years later. These model cars were imported into British stores, and it was not long before UK companies got into the act. By the 1970s, British companies also produced remote-controlled cars. 1970s o The 1970s saw the rise of several U.S. remote-controlled car companies such as Associated Electrics, Wencon and Delta Systems. The technology also improved as more manufacturers jumped into the ring. Engines went from single to double-piston, and in 1974, the first purely electric remote-controlled cars reached the market. Possibly the most famous remote-controlled car manufacturer was the Japanese company Tamiya, which in 1974 released the electric Porsche 934 Turbo model. As more people took up the hobby, organized races began to appear. In 1979, Geneva held the first 1/8th scale On-Road Gas World Championship. Tamiya also made waves in 1979 when it released the Sand Scorcher and Rough Rider, two dune buggy models that could go off road. When enthusiasts were no longer limited to paved roads, remote-controlled cars were poised to take off in the 1980s. 1980s o Remote-controlled cars exploded in the 1980s, and as more people bought them, the number of organized races increased. The 1/12 World Championship was held every two years, and it wasn't uncommon to see 400 entrants in a major race. Cars continued getting faster as the decade went on, and Tamiya developed the first four wheel drive remote-controlled car, the HotShot. 1990s o Remote-controlled cars maintained their popularity in the 1990s, but as cars became faster they required more advanced components, and the top-line cars became increasingly expensive. As a result, enthusiasts began going back to the informal parking lot races that arose in the previous decade. Cars also became smaller during this time, with sizes falling from 1/10 to 1/12 to 1/18. Present Day o Today, remote-controlled cars, while still popular, are starting to fade out. There are still organized races and new models hitting the shelves, but there are fewer entrants than in their heyday in the 1980s. The technology for such cars, however, continues to improve. Electric cars now feature brushless motors and lithium-ion batteries; electric motors are stronger, more reliable and quieter; and nitro-powered cars feature larger, more powerful engines. Despite the smaller number of large-scale organized races, you can still find enthusiasts on bike paths and in parks on the weekends, racing against each other informally and having fun with their remote-controlled cars. RC模型的历史 像样的RC模型车虽然在1960才面世,但是有些爱好者在50年代就已经开始往塑料模型里塞马达了。虽然小号的油动马达在1940年已经可行,无线遥控技术在二战的时候也投入使用,但是RC直到晶体管出现时(1)才可以商业化地使用。由于晶体管革命性地使用了电能,更小更简单也更省电的无线操控模式出现了。不久之后爱好者们就开始制造简单的可以在路上,人行道上或者停车场里开的遥控车了。但是这也只是在那些公司开始向公众投放RC模型不久之前的事情。 1966年一个叫做Gilcattoli电子的公司制造了一个法拉利250LM,世界上第一个RC车。他们在两年以后制造了法拉利P4。在他们被引进英国以后英国人不久也开始行动了。1970年以前英国人也制造出了RC。 1970年见证了一些美国RC公司的崛起,比如AE公司,Wencon和三角洲公司。这种技术也由于更多的制造者的加入而得到了提升。引擎从单活塞进化到了双活塞,并且在1974年第一辆纯电动的RC进入了市场。也许最有名的RC厂商当属在74年把保时捷934模型投入市场的日本田宫公司 1980年RC大大地开始发展了,人们竞相购买,有组织的比赛也在增多。每两年12分之一房车世锦赛就会举办,并且往往都有400多人在主要项目中参赛。车子在不停地随时间的推移而变快变快,田宫在这十年间创造了第一辆四区RC:火舌。 虽然RC在这时还是有很多拥护者,但是由于车速的提升他们需要更好更高级的材料,因而顶级车的价格不断上涨。作为结果,那些狂热爱好者们又回到了非正规的停车场里,而这些正是前几个十年流行的。车子也在这时慢慢地变小,由原来的十分之一慢慢地,演化出了十二分之一甚至是十分之一。 现在这些仍然相对流行的RC正在淡出我们的视野。现在虽然有组织的比赛和层出不穷的车子,但是参赛者较80年代相比还是少了。不过这些车子的技术仍在进步着。电车有无刷马达,锂电池,电动机更加强劲,更加可靠并且安静,油车也有了更长续航时间,更给力的马达。除了稍小的大型比赛以外,你仍旧可以看到一些爱好者们在骑行道上或者在公园里互相用RC非正式地玩耍和比赛。 |
三大部分一切从这里开始 为了方便起见我们把RC分成三个部分:车,设定,手。可以说这三部分,对于一个真正专业的选手来说是等同重要的。车,故名思议就是车……不过广义上还包括了遥控器,电池,工具等周边设备。设定,指对车辆的调教,一辆车在不同的调教下载赛场上表现出来的特性大相径庭,这里广义上指对车辆本身以及其周边一切的调整。手,一个人的技术实力,这是关于一个人性格的考验,可以说成是一个人对自己在RC上修炼层次的提现,这就是技术,硬实力。 讲到车,大家可别着急,这也不是一蹴而就的事情,一辆车的诞生可以很简单也可以很艰难,不过貌似目前有很多人都热衷于装车撞车拆车。。。总的来说,车可以说是对原比例(大街上跑的)车的一种精简和升华,把真车的基础结构都完整保留下来,如轮胎,转向,差速等,但是很明显地进行了大量改动,最明显的就是电动了,这些我们以后都会提到。 设定,其实说简单一点,就是把你手上的可以调节的东西都调节到最舒适的地步,让你的车子最听你的话。每一辆车,以及他们的遥控器,马达,都是有很多可以调整的东西,就像,嗯比如说你爷爷的朋友的儿子的同学的叔叔的老旧的拖拉机,至少还是可以调整各种齿轮或者油箱之类的,有时候还要拆拆装装。比如说你看到变速自行车的齿轮可以变档位一样,这种就是最低级的调整了。每一个调整都和你的车辆的性能有直接和间接的关联。 一个人的技术最直接的体现就在手上面。比如说社长的圈圈就是绕的最好的。这就是一个人手的“好”的体现。技术的提升永远都是要练习的。就像你考试一样,重难点做多了成绩就好了,陷阱都可以如履平地了,看到学霸也不慌了。那么RC,相信在一次次的冲撞或者超越中你可以获得各种经验,一次比一次更好地发挥出自己的水平。 |
RC世界 这里是一个微缩的奇幻世界。 RC,即Remote control/Radio control.远程遥控。通过无线电来控制车辆模型的运动。在这里我们将带你打开一扇通向科技的大门。这是一项综合了力学,电学,艺术,金工,甚至是心理学的体育运动。这份讲义将,慢慢地扩充,让你领略RC全部的激情与活力。 这是我们社团的宝贵的财产,希望大家可以好好地珍惜。策划这份讲义也是很久以前的事情了,目前市面上仍然没有一份像样的关于这个运动的权威教科书,以后也可能不会有。我们这也不是什么权威,我们只是想把我们知道的都分享并且进步。RC涉及的面是出其得广,可以说是浩如烟海,就连笔者现在都不知道从何讲起,从哪里讲起,因为要讲的东西实在太多,太复杂。 我们首先要申明的是,RC是需要热情和坚持的,一切东西都需要这种东西,也只有长期坚持的人才可以取得长足的进步与骄人的成绩,就好比在二中学习一样,我们在过去的九年十年里坚持下来,并投入比其他人更多的经理,我们才能在这个平台上分享和交流。RC也是一样的,不要轻易放弃,哪怕可能有时候真的很郁闷很不爽,但是你唯一不能做的就是放弃。 好吧看来扯太远了…… 不要慌张,就像你小时候学走路一样,慢慢开始,再慢慢地蹒跚,行走,奔跑。 要开始了。 我们翻到下一页。 |
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