tommydai 论坛元老 发消息
发表于 14-9-29 21:24:58 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
本帖最后由 tommydai 于 14-9-29 22:15 编辑

官网刚刚公布了BD7 2015详细照片和介绍

BD7 2015.jpg

Yokomo is introducing the BD7 2015 Black Series high-performance competition touring car kit for the 2015 racing season, the successor to the highly-popular and race-winning BD7 2014.

YOKOMO向各位介绍基于2014年巨大成功和流行的BD7 2014后的又一高性能竞赛电动房车----BD7 2015 黑色版

研发者 海野的采访录像:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzkzNTk4ODUy.html?qq-pf-to=pcqq.c2c

Stability and cornering speed are two important factors when it comes to racing. This is also true in the R/C touring car category. The BD7 2015 has been engineered to deliver those two contrasting but essential characteristics to assist you in achieving success not only in high-speed races of the modified class, but also for stock class racing where regulations restrict maximum speed. The performance potential the car possesses becomes a major advantage in gaining the upper hand.

稳定和在弯道中获得更高的车速是两个非常重要的制胜因素。这个在RC界是不可动摇的真理。 BD7 2015 也竭尽全力来实现这2个看似互相违背的原理。不单单在MODIFIED组别,更多的开始注重在STOCK组别来实现这2个特性。车架在这2个方面的发展潜力也是为什么可以胜出比赛的关键所在。

The Yokomo BD7 platform has pioneered the configuration that improves grip by reducing the rigidity of the bulkhead area. The BD7 2015 further evolves that trend setting concept by lowering the center-of-gravity with the bulkhead caps, and enabling variable adjustment of the front and rear grip balance by attaching or removing the newly-designed cross bulkhead. These features gives the new BD7 2015 much higher cornering speed, a level which is out of this dimension.

YOKOMO BD7的研发平台已经在解决减少波箱刚性方面处于领先位置,BD7 2015 的进化就是通过降低上波箱的重心,通过安装或者不安装全新设计的波箱X型支架来调节前后抓地力的平衡,从而提供更高的弯中速度。

Furthermore, the newly-designed motor mount, battery holder and chassis contributes to the improved roll characteristics. Of particular importance is the newly-developed battery holder which affixes the battery in a way that does not disrupt the excellent torsion characteristics of the chassis, which allows nearly-equal left and right steering characteristics, leading to improved handling and reduced uneven wear of the tires.


The performance potential that the new BD7 2015 has acquired through continued technological innovation will no doubt make the BD7 2015 the ultimate competition kit and it will continue to lead the current touring car racing scene!

Yokomo will lead you to victory!


1/10th-scale electric 4WD belt-driven touring car kit
Newly-designed carbon double-deck chassis which actualizes ultimate maneuverability
Newly-designed motor mount which optimizes the torsion characteristics of the chassis
Newly-designed front and rear bulkheads affixed by cross bulkheads which allows adjusting of the chassis roll freely
Re-engineered battery holder and weight attachment methods prevents disruption of the chassis torsional characteristics leading to even left/right steering
Newly-designed lightweight front spool joint
Newly-designed gear differential
Support for wider range of gear ratio configurations, allowing comprehensive compatibility with various racing regulations, such as sport, stock and modified class racing
Lightweight molded graphite composite materials used in the suspension arms, front/rear hubs and knuckles
Separate aluminum suspension mounts (front rear-side and rear front-side)
Front aluminum solid axle
Lightweight plastic cam belt tensioner
Standard equipped with front/rear stabilizer
Low-friction hard anodized shock cylinder which reduces the internal resistance of the shocks

Optional parts (sold separately)

Forward motor conversion which reduces stress to the rear tires

Aluminum chassis plates

BD7 2015_1.jpg BD7 2015_2.jpg BD7 2015_3.jpg BD7 2015_4.jpg BD7 2015_5.jpg BD7 2015_6.jpg BD7 2015_7.jpg BD7 2015_8.jpg BD7 2015_9.jpg BD7 2015_10.jpg

BD7 2015 专用配件:

BD7 2015_11.jpg BD7 2015_12.jpg
发表于 14-9-29 21:25:55 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东东莞
本帖最后由 yst 于 14-9-29 21:27 编辑



搭配黑色V3.1 + V10 电机肯定帅爆 {:soso_e113:}


wen92008  强大条毛!  发表于 14-10-16 11:40
小天  你敢不要广告的这么厉害不  发表于 14-10-4 22:15
unick  必需全黑色 包括车壳 轮毂 当然正负极标识也必需都是黑色  发表于 14-10-2 22:22
军体F3舵手 超级元老 发消息
发表于 14-9-29 21:30:47 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海

又有新车可以玩了 {:soso_e102:}
nankey 超级元老 发消息
发表于 14-9-29 21:48:18 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京
发表于 14-9-29 21:49:17 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东东莞
nankey 发表于 14-9-29 21:48



nankey  = =  发表于 14-9-30 18:44
hifi 终极 Fans 发消息
发表于 14-9-29 22:09:45 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国天津


szy123  这么大还不大,,重心是怎么看出来的  发表于 14-9-30 18:15
alexxx 金牌 Fans 发消息
发表于 14-9-29 22:48:10 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国澳门
只要Ronald Volker继续签YOKOMO,设计不是问题,车架也不是问题。它还是常胜将军!
hifi 终极 Fans 发消息
发表于 14-9-29 23:56:43 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国天津
alexxx 发表于 14-9-29 22:48
只要Ronald Volker继续签YOKOMO,设计不是问题,车架也不是问题。它还是常胜将军!

可惜 mi5 evo 用的太少
alexxx 金牌 Fans 发消息
发表于 14-9-30 11:48:04 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国澳门
hifi 发表于 14-9-29 23:56
可惜 mi5 evo 用的太少

发表于 14-9-30 11:48:48 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东广州

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