Hongnor/Jammin X1-CRT wins Silver State in Truggy Class, beating a 100+ truggy field. Chad Bradley wins the Unlimited Truggy Class with his X1-CRT. Chad won this race even with all the 'team driving' by the Kyosho crowd. 鴻諾X1CRT 2006.4.2 贏得全美國 Silver State Nitro Challange大賽。此次比賽堪稱美國RC有史以來競爭最激烈的比賽,謹在Truggy的賽車選手就超過了100位。鴻諾公司車手Chard Bradley在A組決賽中遇到衆多Kyosho車手集團,X1CRT終以優越性及Chard超高技術領先至終場贏得冠軍。X1CRT實至名歸為全世界最優良1/8競速貨卡。 1/8 Truggy Class 1st. Chard Bradley Hongnor/ Jamim X1-CRT 2. Ryan Cavalieri Kyosho/777 ST-R 3. Taylor James Hongnor/ Jamim X1-CRT 4. Dean Sexton Hongnor/ Jamim X1-CRT 5. Raul Peris Kyosho/777 ST-R 6. Yuichi Kanai Kyosho/777 ST-R 7. Marty Korn ? 8. Andrew Smolnik ? 9. Cody King Kyosho/777 ST-R 10. Mark Pavidis Kyosho/777 ST-R 2006.4.2 X1CRT贏得英國Maxbashing track 賽事TQ.冠軍.亞軍.季軍 Marc Knight takes the win in the first round of Maxbashing On Sunday the 2nd of April the Maxbashing truck championship kicked off. The Maxbashing track in the South of England is the biggest truck racing series in the UK and over 110 entries turned up. In Qualifying the X1CRT of Jamie Booth took the TQ position some seven seconds ahead of Mike Cradock driving his new Kyosho ST-R with Marc Knight taking the third spot on the grid with his X1CRT. In the A main final the conditions were very difficult and Marc Knight took home a convincing win from Graeme Chant and Jamie Booth all driving the Hong Nor X1CRT. 1) Marc Knight HN X1CRT/OS 2) Graeme Chant HN X1CRT/RB 3) Jamie Booth HN X1CRT/OS TQ Jamie Booth 看的出來他手上抓的是什麼嗎 2006 3/19 X1CRT 競速貨卡橫掃澳洲西部比賽輕取冠軍.TQ.1.2.3.名 [ 本帖最后由 诺亚 于 2006-4-17 12:28 编辑 ] |
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