: 國際標準場地有何要求 SECTION THREE - TRACK SPECIFICATIONS 1/8平跑車 3.1 SURFACE表面 Track surface should be unsealed asphalt or coarse finished concrete with smooth joints, if any. 能排水的柏油或粗水泥地面所有接縫要平整 3.2 LENGTH長度 The minimum length is 200 metres/656 feet. Advised is 240-300 metres/787 - 984 feet. 最短長度200M 建議長度240-300M 3.3 WIDTH寬度 The minimum width of the track is 4.5 metres/l5 feet between marking lines. The maximum width is 6.5 metres/ 2l feet. The marking lines must be 8-10 centimetres/3-4 inches wide.最小寬度(不包含地上畫線的線的寬度)量4.5M 不可超過6.5M寬 地上線寬8-10公分 3.4 PODIUM站台 Maximum distance from the middle of the drivers' podium to the furthest point of the track is 60 metres/l97 feet. Minimum height of the drivers' podium is 2.5 metres/8 feet from track level and the podium is at least l0 metres/33 feet long. 站台長度最少要10M高度最少要2.5M 站台中心位置離賽道最遠點不可超過60M 3.5 VISION視野 No obstacles may interrupt the vision from the drivers' podium to all parts of the track. 站在站台上要能看到全部跑道(不能有樹啦死角啦) 3.6 MARKING畫線 A broken line may be painted in the middle of the straight to increase the vision. 直線跑道中心可加畫虛線 3.7 PITS維修或加油區 The refuelling and pit area should be clearly distinct and separated from the main track and as close as possible to the drivers' podium. Exit from and entrance to the main track is advised to be on a slow section of the track. 要清楚標示並與賽道分隔開 要離站台近 建議加油區的出入口設在車速低的那一段賽道 3.8 DESIGN設計 Track design must include both right and left turns and must have a straight of minimum 60 metres/l64 feet. 要包含左彎跟右彎 直線最少要60M長 3.9 OUTSIDE BARRIERS 外圍防護欄 Outside barriers must provide positive means of stopping a car when missing a corner or out of driver's control. The consideration at selection of the outside barriers shall be the protection of the spectators and not the cars, although, if both can be obtained, it is ideal. The outside barriers must be at least 40 centimetres/l6 inches away from the marking lines of the track. 防護欄要能攔住失控的車子以保護觀眾為優先考量其次為車子 護欄最少要跟賽道地上畫線保持40公分以上的距離 3.10 INSIDE BARRIERS內圈防護攔(防切西瓜) Inside barriers must avoid short-cutting of corners or cars getting on other parts of the track. Inside barriers must be positioned and dimensioned to avoid cars flying over the outside barriers into the public. Inside barriers must be smooth and must be 20 centimetres/8 inches away from the marking lines on the track. 內圈分隔島以防止車子跑到別的賽道或切西瓜 分隔島的設計要以防止車子撞到後會飛出場外傷人為考量 分隔島要平滑並保持與地上畫線最少20公分距離 3.11 DOTS點或盤子 No dots will be used on high speed sections. 高速段賽道不可用點或盤子 3.12 SURROUNDINGS賽道以外空地 The inner and outer surroundings of the track must have grass or other suitable materials, such as concrete. The object of these surroundings is to slow down the car that leaves the track. The car must be able to leave the infield or outfield on its own to minimise marshall assistance. 請鋪草皮或水泥以減慢車速為考量 但表面要能讓車子能靠本身動力離開為原則 3.13 MARSHAL POSTS檢車手站點 Marshal posts must be available for every 30 meters/100 feet of the track length. They may not obstruct the vision of the drivers. The posts must be numbered. When a post is located on dangerous part of the track (i.e. the straight or a fast corner), this post must then provide protection for the marshal (wall, tyres, gate, etc.). 每隔30M要設一點 要編號 以不妨礙車手視野為準 設在高速賽段的檢車點要設保護檢車手的障礙(輪胎啦牆啦鐵門啦) 3.14 STARTING LINE起跑線 A starting line must be painted across the track, preferably in front of the time keeping. The vision of the starting line may not be obstructed by the mechanics holding the cars or by the starter and starting equipment. The starting line must be located more than 10.00 metres/33.00 feet away from the first corner. Ten numbered boxes of 70.00-100.00 centimetres/27.00-40.00 inches long are painted with the starting line forming the front of all the boxes. The hold line for the mechanics is located 1.00 metre/3.30 feet behind the boxes. 起跑線最好設在計時區前 以起跑前助手不會擋到 車手對起跑線的視野為準 起跑線起點最少要離第一個彎10M 每個車位70-100公分長度畫10個車位 助手放車(預備)線要在車位後1M 3.15 LE MANS START"勒芒"起跑規則 For the "Le Mans" type starts, ten (10) numbered boxes are located on the side of the track at an angle of 20-45 degrees with the track, at a minimum of 2.00 metres/7.00 feet and maximum 4.00 metres/14.00 feet apart. The boxes must measure 70.00-100.00 centimetres/27.00-40.00 inches long and 30.00-40.00 centimetres/12.00-16.00 inches wide. 賽道邊畫10個車位長70-100公分寬30-40公分 每個車位間距最少2M最大4M 以20-45度角度面向賽道 轉貼自hobbyplayers |
以下是引用Schumi在2005-3-30 1:46:22的发言: [/quote] 這個控制台和PIT區的位置怪怪的,通常,PIT要在控制台下方,PIT人員才可以和車手溝通....而且,PIT所在的地方,要是賽道較『安全的地方』,不應有跳台等東西,因為加好油的車車一出來便有跳台,很容易發生事故的....通常,PIT區會在直線上,這樣較為合理! [/quote] 偶是参考我们现在的场地随意设计的……但是赛道的行驶方向是逆时针,所以跳台结束才是PIT位置,而PIT和控制台相距非常近(偶们的场地状况),所以……仅供参考。 |
再來一些 設定數據 路線A 約210M -----------> 最長路線 但輪胎磨耗會很不平均 (圖中理想車線為順時鐘) 路線B 約185M -----------> 最高速路線 該場地難度最低的路線 路線C 約180M -----------> 最短路線 輪胎磨耗較平均 上圖A,C的左右兩側可獨立變換 所以該場地應有5種跑法,謹供各位鄉參考參考 [em02][em02][em02][em02][em02][em02] [此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-3 1:29:56编辑过] |
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