
[遥控设备] KO Propo EX-10 Eurus 2.4GHz Radio system(转帖)

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虚度年华 超级元老 发消息
发表于 09-10-8 19:08:04 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东江门
KO Propo EX-10 Eurus 2.4GHz Radio system
Due to be introduced at the Tokyo Hobby Show this weekend, KO Propo will release the EX-10 Eurus, 2.4GHz pistol grip radio which features the company’s Direct Digital System (D.D.S). This new system employs high quality communication by removing the data and time loss caused by digital to analog conversion which results in 300% better response when compared to a conventional system. A newly designed 3D trigger allows for moving the brake trigger, meaning fingers of different sizes and operation are supported. ICS Settings of the Eurus body as well as PDS series of servos and VFS series of ESCs can all be set up through the module pack using the multi setting adapter with optional cards. Expect it to start shipping in December.

NitroChicken 超级元老 发消息
发表于 09-10-8 19:44:43 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东佛山
军体F3舵手 超级元老 发消息
发表于 09-10-8 20:02:48 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
龙少 超级元老 发消息
发表于 09-10-8 22:52:35 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国四川资阳
字体颜色有所改变 扳机好像有的变动!!漂亮!
xiatian118 论坛元老 发消息
发表于 09-10-9 00:00:17 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京
汽车尾气 高级 Fans 发消息
发表于 09-10-9 00:18:35 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏苏州
影子千 超级元老 发消息
发表于 09-10-9 00:19:05 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国山西太原
xiatian118 论坛元老 发消息
发表于 09-10-9 01:04:44 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京
Lancervii 超级元老 发消息
发表于 09-10-9 01:05:42 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国贵州遵义
目前看来 东西的确是很贵 ··  贵死了···
tobbie 终极 Fans 发消息
发表于 09-10-9 02:49:01 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东广州
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