Haoforever 长老 Fans 发消息
发表于 04-9-30 09:13:00 |显示全部楼层 来自: 加拿大

各位喜欢大脚的兄弟, 不知道对KYOSHO新推出的双引擎大脚是否有兴趣?

这款大脚分单引擎和双引擎模式(.26 ENGINE),  听说单引擎10月份推出, 而双引擎大概迟一个月,也就是十一月推出. 官方报价是双引擎$799, 单引擎$599, 但是我在一些模型网站看到的价钱当然比官方价钱便宜好多. 双引擎报价669美金.

本人从来没有拥有过大脚, 呵呵,其实加入RC车行列也只是短短两个月不到时间. 希望到时候回国加入各位大脚车友行列.

废话少说, 介绍一下这款新大脚吧:
GIGA CRUSHER最特别的地方是波箱前置. 连ENGINE的位置也是中间靠前, 大家看相片就知道了. 估计这也是所有大脚绝无仅有的吧? (呵呵, 本人对大脚没有任何实践经验, 都是平时看资料的. :) ) 不过油门由一个SERVO共同控制, 不知道会否有偏差,及难调教.
我最喜欢的部分是两个向后的排气管, 真的好COOL. 更COOL的是AIR INTAKE, 外面部分是突出到车壳之外的, 一开始以为只是个摆设, 但没想到真的是有作用的. 所以整体外形看起来相当不错.

以下是GIGA CRUSHER大脚的一些资料, 懒得翻译了, 大家慢慢看, 呵呵. :)

TWICE the nitro power of other monsters!

* A 4-wheel independent suspension and eight oil-filled shocks help keep the Giga Crusher firmly planted o­n the track.
* Aluminum skid plates o­n the underside of the chassis provide extra protection for the gearboxes.
* The big rubber tires really grip the ground, and are set off by chrome dish wheels with foam inserts. An extra set of hex nuts are included for adapting the tires to fit T-Maxx wheels.
* o­n-board gear is kept safe inside sealed boxes o­n either side of the chassis.
* A built-in roll cage helps prevent damage from the truck turning over, and doubles as a carrying handle.
* The body is pre-cut and pre-drilled, and ready for painting and decals.

Two rugged .26 nitro engines provide the speed and torque for powering the Giga Crusher - each with its own fuel tank and easy-to-use recoil starter.

Realistic in appearance, the "ram" air induction scoop is actually a working performance feature, forcing air down to the engines for cooler operation.

The Giga Crusher's pre-assembled 3-speed automatic transmission is very simple in design, with close-ratio shifting that's quick and smooth.

Pre-assembled, Inferno-style gear diffs both front and rear deliver exceptional 4x4 handling, and are sealed to allow for silicone oil to be added if desired. The spiral gears run quieter than straight-cut gears.

The QRC (Quick Reverse Clutch) is STILL the best forward/reverse shifting system for nitro vehicles, with the toughness to stand up to repeated back-and-forth shifting - even against the Giga Crusher's twin-engine muscle!

Inspired by those found o­n "Moto Cross" bikes, the dual straight pipes make for a more efficient exhaust system.

Full ball bearings mean friction-free performance.

* Length: 21 in (534mm) * Width: 16.7 in (425mm) * Height: 11 in (280mm) * Weight (Twin Engine Model): 14 lb (6.35kg); * Weight (Single Engine Model): 12.5 lb (5.67kg) * Engine: 1 or 2 Kyosho GS .26 engines w/pull start (included) * Requires: 3-channel radio w/3 servos (high-torque steering servo and digital throttle servo recommended), fuel, starting equipment

发表于 04-9-30 13:12:00 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京
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ybm3dm 超级元老 发消息
发表于 04-9-30 10:27:00 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
Haoforever 长老 Fans 发消息
发表于 04-9-30 09:59:00 |显示全部楼层 来自: 加拿大
哦? 呵呵, 郑兄不愧是大脚发烧友, 这么快就入货了. 不错.  单发的买了多少钱? 在哪里买的呢?

感觉如何?  我想回去后买个双引擎的. 真得好喜欢.
发表于 04-9-30 09:43:00 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京
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疯子 论坛元老 发消息
发表于 04-9-30 12:33:00 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广西桂林
Haoforever 长老 Fans 发消息
发表于 04-9-30 09:42:00 |显示全部楼层 来自: 加拿大
Haoforever 长老 Fans 发消息
发表于 04-9-30 09:23:00 |显示全部楼层 来自: 加拿大
呵呵, 刚刚又看到一份资料, 说原来双引擎的大脚在七月份已经推出了. :)

feifeimao 超级 Fans 发消息
发表于 04-9-30 09:24:00 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国山东威海
Haoforever 长老 Fans 发消息
发表于 04-9-30 10:02:00 |显示全部楼层 来自: 加拿大
还有, 我想问单引擎的会不会左右不平衡? 动力效果怎样?
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