
[电子设备] Tamiya也推出锂电

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ego 超级元老 发消息
发表于 09-2-1 14:59:19 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东广州
Tamiya LF Battery LF2200-6.6V Racing Pack, 09年1月31日上市
Item No.55102
Tamiya的 LF锂电具有可快速充电和超强的放电效能,而且安全性极佳,充电后的电力流失情况极低,而且没充电记忆的缺点,可进行1000次以上的充放电!接头使用 KONEKUTAKABA出品. 此外,还推出专为Tamiya 电变而设的转换头
ego 超级元老 发消息
发表于 09-2-1 15:00:37 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东广州

Tamiya LF-6.6V Battery DC Charger


Tamiya LF-6.6V Battery DC Charger
Item No.55103

Tamiya is the LF-6.6V battery charger for high performance. Supply direct current (DC power) to supply or 12V automotive battery can be charged to secure the simple one-button operation. In addition, LF-6.6V is connected to the connectorsthe battery charger that came with the balance, the individual can keep the proper balance between charging the battery cell voltage. He also connected with the protection circuit, the main battery power and to protect the course. for
※ AC100V to use the power supply is required sold separately.

Tamiya LF Battery LF2200-6.6V Racing Pack & LF-6.6V Battery DC Charger Set
Item No.55104
Available : Jan 31, 2009

LF-6.6V This would align the first set of batteries. LF-6.6V LF-6.6V has a dedicated battery charger. And are some great prices on more than Alignment alone.
※ AC100V to use the power supply is required sold separately.
Three major characteristics of the battery ~ LF ~
【 By about 1000 times longer life! 】- About 1,000 of the charge and discharge times.  Moreover, using a dedicated charger can be recharged in 20 minutes, the battery charger 2 is repeated with alternating running and if you have a book you can enjoy all day.  In addition, Ni-MH battery Ni-MH3700 weight as light as it is about half that.
【  By the same capacity! 】 Charge: battery-specific “memory effect” because no, you can recharge the battery as soon ran OK.  Running time will be shorter.  Also, with the balance of the charging connector included, once you maintain an optimal balance between the capacity of each cell can charge.
【  Requires no maintenance ! 】 - After practice, you improve the condition by connecting the instrument does not discharge the battery.  Also, almost no self-discharge, long-term storage is possible if a charge of about half.
※ LF and RC Car RC battery was developed for driving the tank.  Other applications (ENJINSUTATABOKKUSU TW, portable soldering iron, and SUPUREWAKUBESHIKKUKONPURESSASETTO) Please do not use.  ※ After use, when the battery is hot, please lower the temperature from the charge later.
Himalaya 超级元老 发消息
发表于 09-2-1 16:29:11 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京
Tamiya 竟然选择了 A123 作为锂电产品切入点,而且是 18650 规格的做成 2S2P。电压低容量小.......

更感兴趣的,是那个改良的 T插护套。
tonyshan007 论坛元老 发消息
发表于 09-2-1 21:37:12 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国辽宁沈阳
6.6V?  2200毫安??  玩5分钟不就没电了? 放电再大  电压上不来还是不行啊  田宫脑子进水拉 ?
tomcat_711 论坛元老 发消息
发表于 09-2-2 02:31:58 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国云南红河哈尼族彝族自治州
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xiatian118 论坛元老 发消息
发表于 09-2-2 21:24:09 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京
原帖由 tomcat_711 于 2009-2-2 02:31 AM 发表


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