
JQ Products THECar黄色版

12-5-9 11:47| 发布者: rcfans| 查看: 3598| 评论: 5

JQ Products的THECar越野车推出黄色版本(Yellow Edition)。新版本的THECar是在经过了去年多种测试,加入了很多新的想法和提升操控为目的的基础上开发出新车。新车更快、操控更轻松,包括一块可调扭动性的窄身底板、新的车壳、更高效的避震器以及多款新升级件都被用在黄色版本的THECar越野车上。

Vehicle: 1:8 Nitro 4WD 
Width: 307mm 
Wheelbase: 324-328mm 
Weight: 3240g* 
Internal Gear Ratio: 3.3:1

New Features
- Narrower, symmetrical and more flexible chassis. For more traction, and better when landing jumps, or driving over bumps.
- Side guards to match the new chassis.
- Body shell to match the new chassis.
- Improved smoother shocks, with soft bladders and CNC shock caps. These improve every aspect of the handling. THECar is easier to drive.
- Shock springs, Soft, Medium and Hard. THECar includes Med and Hard as standard.
- 3 shoe clutch shoes, for increased performance. Now it actually works :-)
- Larger capacity fueltank with O-ring cap seal for improved sealing.
- Smooth Gearing, (43/13) and (45/13) included as standard.
- Extra set of stiffer swaybars included, 2.4 and 2.5.


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  • 发表评论


    引用 lhx2663288 13-7-21 07:17
    yellow edition最大的创新和亮点在于其“丝绸”避震,可惜此文根本没提到。
    引用 xing722xing 12-5-9 14:59
    引用 hyt0526 12-5-9 14:49
    引用 ferrarifan 12-5-9 12:28
    引用 V8赛车 12-5-9 12:19


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