JQ Products 推出自家引擎,名为“THE Engine”。21级,引擎是日本制造,油门线性、耐久性能都不错。调教也容易掌握,厂方宣称引擎运行10分钟内都无需添加燃料,预计在7月下旬上市。 THE Engine is a high performance,· proven short stroke engine, produced in Japan. The main goals of the design is a smooth powerband, long runtime, ease of tuning, and most of all, consistency and stable running. The drivers who have tested THE Engine have mainly liked the smooth controllable powerband, and the milage. The goal is always to have enough runtime to be abe to stop at 10minutes.· THE Engine comes supplied with 7, 6.5 and 6mm venturis, a manifold gasket and dust caps. The release is expected to be late July JQProducts |
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