好盈团队欢迎前IFMAR世界冠军及多次世界大赛优胜车手Andy Moore加盟。Andy将开始使用最新的好盈XERUN V3电子变速器参加在全世界范围内的各重大赛事。Andy Moore是第一位加盟好盈团队的世界顶级车手,他长时间积累下来的丰富赛车比赛经验对于好盈团队来说是一笔宝贵的财富,也很有利于产品的进一步提升。好盈团队非常高兴Andy的到来。
 以下是来自Andy Moore的话: “Having worked closely with the guys at Hobbywing whilst testing the new V3 speedo over the last few weeks I’ve been really impressed by their professionalism and the outstanding performance of the speedo with both stock and modified motors. I’d really like to thank Jack, Michael and Salton for this opportunity and look forward to the rest of this years racing with them.” |