
PROTOform R15B车壳

10-11-17 03:10| 发布者: admin| 查看: 3022| 评论: 0

1523-40PROTOform推出R15B(Regular Weight,标准重量)的1/8平路车车壳。2011年,IFMAR将举办1/8油动平路车世界赛,PF现在推出这类产品就是为了明年的世界赛作准备。详细资料在本文内。In preparation for the 2011 IFMAR 1/8th Nitro On-Road WORLDS PROTOform Race Bodies is proud to announce the R15B – an all new open cockpit LeMans prototype style body for the Kings of the Sport – the 1/8th Nitro On-Road category. This body has been tested and refined by a few of America’s best racers. Mike Swauger used the R15B to TQ at the 2010 Ron Paris Memorial Race in Las Vegas as well as the Region 12 Championships. The PROTOform R15B incorporates some unique air management features to improve handling and stability. Cornering speeds have been impressive as well. Available in 3 thicknesses – .040 Lexan


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