USUKANI & ZONE DRIFT CHALLENGE国际巡回飘移挑战赛首站将于2016年3月26日和27日在广州Z-one模型举行。Usukani Drift Challenge将会长期在不同国家和地区举行,希望为全球玩家建立一座交流RC飘移技术的桥梁!无私分享RC技术,建立一个和谐欢乐的环境。
希望大家踊跃参加,无分彼此,欢乐共荣! 赛事报名: USUKANI & ZONE DRIFT CHALLENGE will be held in Z-one,Guangzhou,China dated MAR.26-27,2016. In future Usukani Drift Challenge will held in different countries and regions.We hope that we can build up a communication bridge of RC drifting technology for drivers all over the world.To share all RC technology altruistic, and create a harmonious,friendly and happy environment. |
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