Serpent 蛇仔将推出 411 ERYX 3.0 1/10竞赛级电动房车,3.0新车将于5月上市。采用2mm厚度强化带激光雕刻的7075-T6铝制底板,新的轴承托,全新低重心马达座,轻量化差速组件,全新的V2强化合成物料零件,新的A臂和轻量化铝制推杆都出现在411 ERYX 3.0上。 点击这里->进入Serpent 蛇仔品牌专区参与互动

- 2mm coated and laser engraved 7075 T6 aluminium chassis; dark
grey anodised with ERYX 3.0 logo, lowered sides for optimal flex, fully
symmetrical for even flex
- lighter lower bearingblocks front and rear indentical
- new type lower CG 7075 T6 motormount, centrally mounted
- seperate bushings to support the top-plate front and rear, to
influence flex as needed
- lightweight aluminium spool with blades
- v2 type hard composite all around: wishbones, uprights,
castorblocks, steeringblocks
- v2 hard composite wishbones with one central hole for shock
- rear anti-roll bar mounted in front of rear arm
- double joint cardan shaft v2 with clips
- brackets standard : 3.5/ 0.5 split blocks in the rear,
2.0/ 0.5 in the front
- New material shock-O-rings
- Lightweight anodised aluminium camberlinks
- Lightweight anodised aluminium trackrods
- Lighter composite anti-roll bar centering front and rear
- ERYX 3.0 set-up sheet