
Sanwa Exzes-Z 遥控器

13-10-21 10:30| 发布者: rcfans| 查看: 8211| 评论: 7

Sanwa 推出 Exzes-Z 杆式(棍式)遥控器, 实际上是M12的杆式版本。拥有超高响应速度,实时更改设定曲线功能,内置遥感功能,可外接感应器量度转速、电压、温度等参数。新款Exzes-Z重量更轻,带 128×256 LCD 显示屏,设定界面也更人性化。


• DMS Setting:Directly read your registered model at the launch
• TH 5:5 mode: TH neutral pulse 1.5m sec
• Point AUX: integrated maximum 6 points AUX
• MOA MIX : Respond to 2 motor throttle
• 4WS MIX: Respond to front and rear steering individually
• SPEED Setting: ST/TH point, direction setting available
• MODEL Sorts Setting: Model order can be sorted as you like
• Ch Set Menu Setting: Setting menu for every CH

- Car type select: 10 categories
- Racing mode: able to change driving status in a single touch
- Data logger: data can be sent to the PC
- Monitoring: share data with another transmitter
- PC link: able to read and write the data to the PC
- Dual steering: able to set the rudder angle individually
- Best fit setting: Able to set the driver’s best condition
- Curve setting: able to fine adjust 9/18 point curve
- LCD display: 128×256 full dot LCD display
- Custom menu: user friendly menu structure


  • 视频 时速过百 Traxxas Rustler VXL 泥地滑行
  • 视频 Traxxas Rustler VXL 挑战极限运动山
  • 视频 Traxxas TRX-4 征服加州荒野
  • 发表评论


    引用 多叫饿哦得 14-9-3 10:00
    lft930: 跪求MT4级别的板控
    sanwa GEMINI X
    引用 orange 13-10-22 13:28
    引用 藤原唾沫 13-10-22 05:15
    引用 狼那度 13-10-21 19:56
    很贵啊 X宝有日本代购了 3800+++  想买无奈太贵啊
    引用 tenshock 13-10-21 19:12
    艹  又要换了?
    引用 lft930 13-10-21 15:26
    引用 ㄗΣg随便搞搞 13-10-21 11:37


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