
Serpent 正式推出F1遥控车 F110

13-7-25 11:53| 发布者: rcfans| 查看: 9849| 评论: 4

Serpent 蛇仔的1/10竞赛级方程式F1遥控车F110即将上市,全车使用碳纤和铝制零件,竞赛级产品。车架有多个可调设定部分,支持标准和短身2S锂电,支持橡胶或海绵轮胎(可调车高)。配有坚固尼龙物料尾翼和前鼻翼,支持市面上多款F1车壳安装到车架上,超强壮的舵机座和舵机保护器能有效减低碰撞后对转向舵机的损害。轻量化珠差、轻量但强化的尾轴能有效提高传动效率。Kit款式,分别提供180mm FR和RR版本(带橡胶轮胎)供玩家选择,升级200mm加长前摇臂更好支持海绵胎的版本也将上市。
点击这里->进入Serpent 蛇仔品牌专区参与互动
- Carbon fibre chassis plate in 2.5mm
- Chassis and holders allow  Shorty and Normal packs
- Strong front nylon wing which fits most common lexan wings
- Front trackrod suspension with lower 3mm carbon wishbones; fully adjustable
- Durable spring loaded steering blocks with upper pivot ball
- Adjustable ride height to suit both rubber and foam tyres
- Super strong machined aluminium servo holder and  strong servo saver
- Large volume main central shock absorber RCCX type; threaded housing
- Spring loaded Link-type rear suspension with single tube
- Carbon fibre body mount, doubles as side spring holder and tube holder
- Captured pivot ball connection
- Pancar style rear end with a strong carbon fibre and aluminium powerpod
- Strong and light aluminum rear axle
- Durable and light ball-differential, and light alu hex wheel-hubs
- Large durable white rear wing
- High quality ball-bearings and fasteners
- Strong nylon body mounts with fine tuning nuts
- Kit-version will be 180mm FR and RR with rubber tyres (longer front arms will be optional to arrive at 200mm for use with foam tyres)


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  • 发表评论


    引用 小顺宝贝 13-7-28 14:55
    很喜欢 准备入手一辆
    引用 john617 13-7-27 14:40
    引用 小鹿爸爸 13-7-27 09:48
    引用 wayfc 13-7-25 17:32
    不错            沙发


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