Team Losi Racing(TLR)的22电动越野车相信大家都听说过,22电越具有中置或尾置马达两种设定,在22车架基础上TLR开发出22T竞赛电动卡车。22T成为世上唯一支持中置和位置马达两种设定的电动越野卡车,车子的场地适应力大大增强!22和22T两台车有75%的零件通用,强化的铝制车架,12mm大容量避震器,大尺寸轴承都被用在22T新车上。 相信22T具有很强的战斗力! 欢迎进入RCFans越野车讨论区参与讨论
 Features - Hard 2.5mm anodised aircraft Aluminium truck chassis - Removable plastic dirt guards - Fully milled for weight reduction - Maximized chassis length and wheelbase - Supports multiple battery configurations - Weight balanced - Improved component durability through materials and design - Rear- or Mid-Motor Completion - All required completion parts included for either configuration - 3-gear rear-chassis transmission (Low to medium traction surface) - 4-gear mid-chassis transmission (High traction surface) - Fully adjustable caster via the spindle carriers - Allows for fine tune adjustment for on/off-power steering - Hard anodised 12mm shocks with bladder compensation - Provides increased handling over bumps and improves handling - TiNi shock shafts for durability and smooth operation - Molded shock tool included - Best in class front nose clearance - Improved handling entering ad exiting steep jumps - 3.5mm turnbuckles for increased strength - Adjustable Caster (0, 3, 5, 10°) - Adjustable Spindle Carrier Position (Front or Trailing) - Stock at 30o, Adjustable front kick to 20 or 25 degrees - All metric hardware, only one set of tools required - Unsurpassed tuning and adjustability - New 1/10-scale truck wheels included (2 sets, tyres not included) - 2 ROAR legal truck bodies included
