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ROAR 1/8无刷马达规定

11-6-30 20:16| 发布者: admin| 查看: 3770| 评论: 0

ROAR 对1/8无刷马达规定进行了更新,对一些参数给出了更清晰的规定,详细规定如下 Can:
Maximum overall length is 77.00mm measured from the mounting face of the motor to the furthest most point of the end bell, not including solder tabs, lead wires, sensor plug and housing, or original manufacturer’s logo or name. Motor mounting holes must be on 1.00 inch (25.40mm) centers. Stator:
Motor stator maximum outside diameter is 39mm. Rotor:
External shaft diameter shall be 5mm (.197 in.). It may only be either a 2 pole or a 4 pole design with a maximum 12-slot stator.

Source: ROAR [roarracing.com]


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