Novarossi 宣布正式签约JJ Wang成为厂车手,JJ今年13岁,常驻上海,是国内顶尖的1/8油动平路车车手。 热烈祝贺JJ Wang,关注JJ Wang在RCFans的个人空间
看看JJ Wang签约后说了什么:
Ever since I started racing since I was 7.5 years old, I have always thought of Novarossi as the brand that makes the best engines in the world. I am really happy to have this opportunity to race for Novarossi and to be on a team with so many world champions. Now with the power for Novarossi engines, I hope to perform even better at races in China and around the world.

Source: Novarossi [] |