现在影响无刷马达性能的可调的参数越来越多,在有刷马达时代,玩家很流行使用马达测量机来测量马达的性能,以确保马达性能在赛事中得以发挥,现在无刷马达也有测量装备了,来自McPappy Racing公司DIY了一台无刷测量机( Brushless Dyno ),看起来还是很简陋,原理请看厂方原文,目前还不清楚是否会量产这款产品。 It helps you to make sense of some of that. This dyno platform will allow you to test your motors against a brushless slave motor that provides consistent resistance from test to test. It was designed to accommodate multiple test configurations: direct coupler in between both motors, direct coupler with flywheel in between both motors, offset the motors using 2 pinions, offset the motors using 2 pinions flywheel. The flywheel provides inertia resistance and the brushless slave provides constant resistance. Together they reproduce similar track resistance. The key component to this dyno platform is a huge piece of 1/4″ 6061 aluminum which acts as a giant heat sink. Two large fans and all of that aluminum mass will bring the temperature of the motors and resistors back down to room temperature very quickly. This allows you to run many tests very quickly. To find your most powerful motor and speedo combination is actually quite simple. Your overall goal is to spin the flywheel and slave motor as fast as you can with the least amount of amp draw. The McPappy Racing DIY Brushless Dyno can help you do just that. You will be able to find your strongest motors and most efficient combination of mechanical timing, speedo timing, RPM ranges, and rotor diameters. Source: McPappy Racing [mcpappyracing.com] & redrc.net |
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