
Exotek Racing EXO103 F103转换套件

11-2-10 16:57| 发布者: admin| 查看: 7689| 评论: 0

Exotek Racing推出EXO103升级转换套件给Tamiya F103遥控车使用,这是一套轻量化、高性能的转换套件,包括新设计的扭腰、避震位置等都作了大幅改动。

Inline battery mounting, 265mm wheelbase and a floating rear pod all translates into a potent platform for high power applications. Using actual components from the World Champion Yokomo 1/12th they have re-engineered the rear pod into a 2 link floating rear pod for superior rear traction and stability. The set includes a VCS through shaft center oil shock to perform tweak free side dampening, a carbon fiber 1 piece top deck to reduce tweak and allows just enough flex to maintain proper traction. A pan car type tweak screw and side spring adjustment feature help properly balance the rear pod and provide super smooth suspension action.

Source: Exotek Racing [exotekracing.com] & redrc.net


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