
TC6 Factory Team kit将于2010年12月初上市

10-11-2 05:31| 发布者: admin| 查看: 2271| 评论: 0

30106TeamAssociated的新款电房RC10TC6 Factory Team kit将于2010年12月圣诞节前上市!电房车迷又多了一款顶级车架选择.the newest edition to the family and legacy of competitive, high performance 4WD touring cars by Team Associated. Designed to take full advantage of all the latest technological advances made in 1:10 scale electronics, the TC6 has been optimized to use all of the benefits offered by brushless motor systems and LiPo batteries. The engineers behind the doors of Area 51 have been hard at work developing the TC6 to blend the best qualities of high performance and adjustability without sacrificing durability or ease of maintenance. The TC6 takes the same suspension components from the TC5R before it and adds many new features, making it even better. For improved weight distribution, the TC6 motor mount has been moved 13mm closer to the chassis center line and the spur gear has been lowered 5mm compared to the TC5. These changes result in a more centralized mass and lower center of gravity for the TC6 chassis. The servo mounting holes are slotted to not only accommodate different servos but also to optimize the position of the servo mass. The TC6 includes the Factory Team VCS3 shock package that features hard-anodized threaded shock bodies with bottom-loaded seals. The VCS3 shocks are super smooth and have an increased stroke for more up-travel at the wheels, all adding up to more consistent overall traction. An updated steering system with additional Ackermann options and an improved steering input rate gives the TC6 more consistent handling. Blue titanium turnbuckles come with new ballcup eyelets for easier access to the ball studs. These are only a few of the many refinements that can be found in the RC10TC6 Factory Team kit – making it yet another Champion by Design! Source : Team Associated


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