
Futaba 3PL 2.4GHz FHSS 遥控器

10-8-29 17:40| 发布者: admin| 查看: 5340| 评论: 0

futaba3plFutaba推出入门级枪式遥控器,3PL 2.4GHz FHSS 电脑遥控器,配备了2.4G技术,全面支持遥控车、遥控卡车和遥控船使用,4通道,10组模型参数记忆,油门防失控设定,从照片中看,3PL的做工似乎一般,甚至有点“山寨”,详细资料在本文内。
Features - 3 proportional channels plus 1 switched (non-proportional) channel. - Simple push-button programming. - 10-model memory. - 4WS mix for crawling and brake mixing for 1/5 scale models. - Throttle fail-safe, steering EPA, servo reversing and dual rates. - Includes an R2004GF 2.4GHz receiver. Source: Futaba [futaba-rc.com] & Redrc.net


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