
JQ Products 越野车发布

10-8-5 05:41| 发布者: admin| 查看: 2681| 评论: 1

jqthecar-2经过长时间的等待,JQ Products的越野车终于面世!车架的设计意念是全面降低重心,设计师JQ先生目前还没有公布车架的详细参数,更多照片在本文内。THE Car, has finally been unveiled. Rather than give us the full low down on the cars features and strengths JQ has decided to explain the ins and outs of THE Car in a 7-part story. “I will explain why it is designed the way it is, why and how I made the decisions that I made, and what I believe I have managed to achieve. Usually new cars are discussed on the internet forums, and no one REALLY knows what the true story is. So I have decide to enlighten you, and elaborate slightly on the normal run of the mill, “no-compromise aircraft grade 7075 chassis for optimum stiffness and cornering stability” and give you some real information.” Source: JQ Products [jq-products.com]


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    引用 lhx2663288 13-5-15 04:10


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