
Kyosho Inferno MP9 TKI2

10-7-24 07:11| 发布者: admin| 查看: 3177| 评论: 0

31785-01lKyosho(京商)的Inferno MP9越野车在过去两年在不断测试改进中,权限的MP 9 TKI2 即将上市!MP9的战斗力大幅提升,多个部分进行了升级,车架以高效率的抓地力设计为主,避震系统的吸震速度更快,详细资料和照片在本文内!相信全新的MP 9 TKI会掀起一股新的油动越野车竞赛旋风!该产品将于8月中上市。In the two years since it made its mark at the 2008 World Championship, the prototype MP9 Kyosho International has forged the cutting edge of performance technology with the latest version 2. Tested and proven at numerous international racing events, design upgrades have evolved multiple areas of the chassis platform to a new level. However perhaps the greatest innovation has been the dramatic reduction in cost, despite the significant upgrades and performance improvements. The chassis design focus is on efficient traction and is realized through short suspension arms and unique rear hubs that produce effective traction with light suspension stroke. Shock absorber design has changed from spacer setting adjustment to dial adjustment and incorporates the previously optional shock pistons with tapered holes that produce optimal piston speed and damping power over long running times. Other features include a new low-height body design with less front-end resistance that generates aerodynamics for a competitive edge and stable posture through the air. With the power of the most advanced racing performance firmly in your grasp, the innovative design of the new TKI 2 puts racing glory within reach. Available: Mid August 2010


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