
Kyosho Lazer ZX-5 4wd Readyset

09-5-24 00:38| 发布者: BAMBOO| 查看: 2901| 评论: 2

Kyosho 推出 Lazer ZX-5 4wd 电越(readyset). Readyset代表该产品出厂已经装配好车架,搭载高性能电动马达和遥控设备,连车壳的涂装也已经完成,玩家买回家后只要充好电就能马上开始你的电越旅程!Kyosho(经商)公司在越野车方面一直有很高造诣,电越,油越产品一直都有顶尖车款出现,而Lazer电动越野车早于80年代已经面世,国内很多老玩家都曾经拥有过Kyosho Lazer ZX(R)这类车款,90年代初的全国赛等国内外赛事,Lazer和Yokomo越野车赛场上的最主流电越车种,在电房车架出现前,很多电房都是以电越车架改装升级而成,其中Lazer系列就曾经成为“改房车”的热门系列,后来电房车架的面世,电越在亚洲尤其在大陆和港澳玩家开始减少。
这台Lazer ZX-5 四驱电越,绝对是性价比极高的产品,最近国内电越渐渐复苏,有兴趣加入电越行列的朋友也可以考虑这款产品。09年8月,厂方还会推出蓝色和黑色版本的Lazer ZX-5 Readyset。




  • 4WD - EP racing buggy with center shaft drive 4WD.
  • Ready To Run - Fully factory assembled Readyset only requires batteries for the chassis and transmitter.
  • High Power G20 Stock Motor - Loaded with high-power user-friendly G20 stock motor and compact high-power speed controller (pre-set).
  • Better Balance - The drive shafts run through the center for chassis to give you better lower CG and optimum weight balance.
  • Equiped With Ball Bearings - Includes total of 20 ball bearings for full ball bearing specifications.
  • Oil Filled Shocks - Equipped with resin oil shocks. Dial-adjust function for easy setting.
  • Slipper Clutch - Features slipper clutch as standard to protect drive mechanism and deliver optimal traction.
  • Front & Rear Ball Diff - Equipped with ball differentials on front and rear as standard.
  • High Strength & Rigidity - Resin chassis combines with X-backbone upper deck for high strength and rigidity.
  • Mid Motor Mount - Mid-ship motor mount provides optimal mass distribution and reduces counter-torque.
  • Fully Adjustable Turnbuckles - Turnbuckle upper arms and 4-wheel independent double-wishbone suspension.
  • Aggressive H-Pin Tires - Factory mounted H-Pin Spike tires provide excellent handling and strong acceleration on most types of surfaces.
  • High Quality Electronics - The Kyosho KT-6 digital proportional transmitter, receiver, high-torque servo and a smooth forward/reverse electronic speed control are all factory installed.
  • Fan-Cooled 20 Turn HP Motor - High performance and longevity are the key features of the G20 motor. It has an internal cooling fan so the motor stays cool and strong from run to run.
  • 12mm Hex Hubs - The Lazer is equipped with 12mm wheel hubs to fit most standard 10th scale buggy wheels.

Ready Set Contents

  • Factory assembled chassis with pre-installed R/C unit
  • Completed body finished with decals applied
  • Perfex KT-6 Futaba transmitter
  • G20 Stock Motor
  • KA-15 ESC

Required For Operation

  • 7.2V � 1200mAh (min.) Ni-Cd or Ni-MH battery
  • AA-size batteries X 8 for transmitter

Source: Kyosho [kyoshoamerica.com] & Redrc.net


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    引用 航宇 09-5-25 00:25
    引用 88062665 09-5-24 09:19


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