
田宫 Pajero归来

08-4-28 14:16| 发布者: admin| 查看: 3867| 评论: 4

自从1993年发售以来,田宫三菱Pajero越野车已成为RC经典,价格炒得老高还一车难求。现在田宫重新正式发售此车型。车子的马达在前部中间,通过传动轴传到后部,内部结构精致合理,忠实于原车。轮胎和车壳也非常像真。新款的大灯和高光灯已经预留了安装TLU01 LED灯光系统(另售)的位置。

Front suspension
Adopting the front suspension of double wishbone type of rod wishbone and upper I arm. It equips also the oil damper which is superior in shock absorptivity.

Rear suspension
Adopting the rear suspension of 4 links rigid type where support with link 4 of axle cases whose strength is high. The oil damper was equipped same as the front.

Chassis underside
Transmitting power to the rear tire with the propeller shaft which adopts the universal joint. In addition, the rear diff. is assembled free, choosing the lock.

Basic specifications

- Total length 445mm
- full-width 195mm
- total height 192mm
- drive system = shaft drive 4WD
- suspension = F: Double wishbone R: 4 link rigidity
- tire width/diameter = front and back also 33/88mm
- diff. gear system = front and back 3 bevel diff. rear diff-lock possible
- 540 type motor attachments




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    引用 GLFFLG 08-4-30 22:27
    是四驱的` 站内高手也帮帮忙吧`` 本人在深圳` 介绍一下在深圳的业内人事也好吖!
    引用 alang0876 08-4-30 21:46
    引用 GLFFLG 08-4-30 20:51
    我是新鸟` 想各位老鸟帮帮忙!! 我有这部``现在想买遥控器`电池等需另购的配件` 希望各位大哥帮忙!! 我在深圳` 如果5.1假期能弄好就好咯~ Q: 57643762 谢谢了!!!! 急```救命!!
    引用 jackypeng 08-4-29 14:56


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