中国香港RC Atomic推出BZ5 1/28皮带传动4WD迷你遥控车(蚊车),竞赛级产品。2019年,RC Atomic发布了同样是皮带传动的BZ3车型,5年后的BZ5新车基于BZ3并收集来自全球各地的玩家反馈研发而成,采用新设计的波箱和马达座、加长悬挂摇臂、无避震塔系统、全新的转向系统、球头式后悬挂系统(摆动和倾斜显著减少)、低重心车壳柱、兼容标准和窄身舵机、兼容Kyosho auto scales 车壳(98mm轴距)。BZ5提升了行走稳定性,弯道车速也进一步提升,圈速更快,相信将成为公开组蚊车赛事的有力竞争车型。
       - All New bulkheads and motor mount - Longer front Arms and new knuckles: Increasing stability also more mid corner steering. - New single steering crank with servo saver and steering travel limiter. - Ball-head type rear suspension system; wobble and slop is significantly reduced. - come with brass chassis with ability to add side wings (optional parts) to reduce the chance of traction roll and add stability when running in large flow high speed tracks. (aluminium chassis will be available as optional) - New low CG rear body post system: more rear grip and act as a barrier to prevent lexan bodies catching the rear wheels when other car hitting you from behind. - “No-Shock-Towers design” no more breaking of shock towers and further lower the center of gravity. And the shock damper angles can be adjusted by shims precisely. - Servo mount is compatible with slim or normal size servo (8.0mm to 11.5mm thick) - Sway bar system (with bearing support) will be available in options - Front caster angle adjustable (with optional front bulkhead carbon plates) - Compatible with Kyosho auto scales body (98mm wheelbase) - Front width is 74mm with Narrow Wheels (N-8.5mm 0 offset) - Rear width is 74mm with Wide Wheels (W-11mm 0 offset)