
Serpent 推出Medius X20 '23电房

22-6-19 16:17| 发布者: rcfans| 查看: 5852| 评论: 5

Serpent蛇仔推出Medius X20 '23 1/10竞赛级电动房车。

前后悬挂的几何设定进行了优化,改善车子的滚动表现,新款铝制后差速、新款13mm大容量避震器、提供更多可调设定的尾悬挂连杆也出现在新车上。X20革新的转向系统、RRS后悬挂系统、LCG低重心防倾杆、Kevlar凯夫拉强化传动皮带、BB DJC传动轴等高性能组件也作为标准配置。Serpent提供碳纤底板型号(2.25mm厚度),产品编号400041以及铝制底板型号(2mm厚度),产品编号400042供选择。实际上X20的配置和性能一直位于顶尖电房水平,23版新车从细节入手,进一步提升战斗力。

X20 ‘23 特性
- Serpent Adjustable 50mm shock with 13mm oversize Progressive shock body
- Serpent Linear bigger bore springs
- Dampers include machined pistons for best possible consistency
- Traditional style ball raced LCG Anti-roll bar
- Pivot ball suspension with small balls for simplicity and free movement
- 4x style arm mount with adjustable castor
- Easy diff and spool removal
- Extremely low center of gravity
- All new steering system for Ackermann geometry
- Motor mount holder with adjustable flex
- Re-Active rear steering RRS system is standard
- 1 piece shaft and motor mount allow easy maintenance and changing of spur gears
- Durable and smooth Aluminium gear differential
- Battery mounting system allow different size and height battery
- Lightweight front spool with hardened steel outdrives, bladeless
- Carbon fibre chassis in 2.25mm (400041 Medius X20 '23 carbon 1/10 EP)
- Aluminium medium chassis in 2mm (400042 Medius X20 '23 aluminium 1/10 EP)
- Even length Kevlar reinforced drive belt and super true running pulleys, midshaft pulley made out of hard anodized aluminium for maximum durability
- Adjustable arm stiffness
- BB DJC Driveshaft as standard
- Floating Shock tower option



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  • 发表评论


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