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Ronald Völker 加入 Mugen Seiki

20-10-3 16:33| 发布者: rcfans| 查看: 3890| 评论: 5

世界冠军车手来自德国的Ronald Volker离开Yokomo,加入Mugen Seiki。Ronald在Yokomo效力了11年,2016年赢得在中国北京举行的IFMAR电动房车世界赛,转会Mugen的Ronald将驾驶该品牌的电动房车参加各大赛事,可以看到日本Mugen在电动RC竞赛领域的雄心。

Ronald Volker离开Yokomo的声明:
After more than 11 years, from now on I am no longer part of Yokomo anymore! It was my decision to leave and my decision to look for a new challenge. I can not really describe how thankful I am for taking the opportunity back in 2009 to join Yokomo under Mr. Yokobori and to be able to stay for so many years. I grew in that period as a better driver and person in our wonderful RC World. Together we came a long way which personally highlighted in winning a World Championship and multiple European and ETS Championships, Nationals and many other events. Additionally we had developed some amazing cars within a great team and I had the chance to meet tons of people worldwide and collect so much experience which I never even have dreamed of.

Ronald Volker加入Mugen的声明:
Mugen Seiki is very proud to announce, that former IFMAR World Champion and multiple European-, National- and ETS-Champion Ronald Völker has joined their electric on-road team! Ronald will bring his amazing speed and all his knowledge into the team and he will campaign the all new MTC2 platform at all upcoming races. We are looking forward to a successful long term partnership with him. “Welcome to the Mugen family Ronald!”


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