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2020 IFMAR 所有赛事推迟至 2021

20-8-17 20:05| 发布者: rcfans| 查看: 3507| 评论: 0


Dear RC community,
Following our post from March 2020 and the questions asked after that message here is an update regarding the IFMAR events for 2021.
The current situation with COVID has made us decide to postpone the 2020 program to 2021. The organizers of the 1/8th IC Off-Road, 1/10th IC Touringcars and 1/10th Electric ISTC will be asked to give new dates, more or less in the same period as what was planned for 2020.

The events originally planned for 2021 will move to 2022 etc. This is to avoid too many events in one year. The only exception may be the Large scale event, which could still be hold in 2021 (USA).

Although racing is starting in various countries again there are limitations on the number of drivers/mechanics allowed and a number of precautions like distance in the pit and/or on the rostrum and the use of face-mask is sometimes needed. Running an IFMAR event with 150 drivers might give a total of 400-450 people on a small area. This will not be easy to realize with some of those limitations.

At the end of this year we will update you again. There is still a possibility that we may need to change things by December 2020. It is not only the medical part that COVID brings, but travel restrictions and mandatory Quarantine that are valid for a large number of countries at the moment are also part of the decision how and when exactly to proceed with our events.

On behalf of the IFMAR committee.


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