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Nelson Lee 加入 Serpent 车队

16-5-8 22:29| 发布者: rcfans| 查看: 58520| 评论: 0

来自新加坡的顶尖车手Nelson Lee加盟Serpent蛇仔车队,成为Serpent亚洲Team一员。Nelson将驾驶最新款的Viper 977-Evo 1/8油动平路车参加新加坡国家系列赛事,Futaba O.S. 杯也被列为候选赛事。

加盟Serpent Nelson声明,
I am honoured and pleased to join Team Serpent. Being part of this prestigious RC brand is like a dream come true. Serpent has never failed to produce a championship winning car. I will race the proven Serpent 1/8 scale Viper-977 evo for the coming Futaba OS Cup and Singapore national series as well as attending some other international races. Finally I would to thank Atalon RC for giving me this opportunity.



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