HPI新品亮相Baja 5R On-Road汽油车
本帖最后由 阿努比斯 于 16-1-7 22:20 编辑The Baja 5R On-Road takes the HPI Baja concept to all-new places: to the streets! With a lowered suspension designed purely for on-road action, the Baja 5R is the perfect way to enjoy large-scale fun while burning up the pavement! The iconic 1970 Ford Boss Mustang is the perfect fit for the the rear-wheel drive Baja 5R, and the vintage 8-spoke wheels and Tarmac Buster tires! The suspension and drivetrain is based on the extremely tough Baja 5B, so you know the on-road version will be super-tough in any situation, plus it will be very easy to find spares and upgrades. The Fuelie 23cc engine will give the Baja 5R wheelspinning power and enough top speed to make your pulse race! The Baja 5R On-Road: Baja-tough tarmac performance!
买来改成速7里面那台从天空降下来的肌肉车不错,关键还是后直桥 换个壳子就是5R...baja5B 5T 5SC 5R 下个HPI会出5Z! 瞎飞乱跑 发表于 16-1-7 22:54 static/image/common/back.gif
,,,, 估计调教会有变化把baja 速度不慢但是 确实不太稳啊 如果没啥变化估计是不太可能
¥14720人民币一台全套包括遥控器。 tr88316 发表于 16-1-7 22:54 static/image/common/back.gif
换个壳子就是5R...baja5B 5T 5SC 5R 下个HPI会出5Z!
不知道下一次会出什么型号,我进了一台回家研究研究 hsailor 发表于 16-1-7 22:22 static/image/common/back.gif