biebie 发表于 13-6-5 17:30:07

DDM买东西pending fulfillment是个啥情况

本帖最后由 biebie 于 13-6-6 00:09 编辑

以前买过几次,都是第一天扣款,第二天就fulfillment了(也就是发货),紧接着马上就有tracking number了。这次周一提示扣款,然后一直都是pending fulfillment, 2天多了,有点沉不住气了,在DDM上买过东西的XD来说说,这样正常不?
终于知道为什么了,原来还是防备中国人,一直说我的信用卡billing address不对,是国外的,一直问我是哪国的,连HBF账号都问,查的这么仔细,真是跪了


On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 9:45 AM, M.A.t.W. <> wrote:

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "DDM (Dave's Discount Motors)"<>;
发送时间: 2013年6月5日(星期三) 晚上11:29
收件人: "M.A.t.W."<>;
主题: Re: Re:Your order no. 621-268595 has been received

No, it doesn't match, it is getting an international (outside the USA) result. What is the billing address? What is the country of issue for your credit card?That's all we need, then we can send the order.



On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 9:20 AM, M.A.t.W. <> wrote:
Hi Brad,
   Billing address is the same as the shipping address, I think it doesn't matter because I've already recieved the text message from my bank of the payment, that means it succussly paid instantly. My HBF usename is BIEBIE.

------------------ Original ------------------
From:"DDM (Dave's Discount Motors)"<>;
Date:Wed, Jun 5, 2013 11:09 PM
Subject:Re: Re:Your order no. 621-268595 has been received

Your billing address does not match the address you have provided. What is the billing address for your credit card?

Also, what is your username on the HBF forum?


On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 6:50 AM, M.A.t.W. <> wrote:
Hi Dear DDM,
My order 268595 is still pending fulfillment, I'm asking when it can be shipped.Thanks

大车迷 发表于 13-6-5 18:05:53


biebie 发表于 13-6-5 18:19:46

大车迷 发表于 13-6-5 18:05 static/image/common/back.gif


fzdgz123 发表于 13-6-5 18:20:28

MD   我买过,第二天直接被取消订单。这DDM 老板的脑子残的,说是什么知识产权的问题,我觉得P话!完全就是一种歧视!

ㄗΣg随便搞搞 发表于 13-6-5 19:26:32

DDM的 虽好但是我不会买    时间太长了等不了急性子

大车迷 发表于 13-6-5 20:31:23

biebie 发表于 13-6-5 18:19 static/image/common/back.gif
关键是以前都是头天扣款,第二天就fulfillment了,没见过有pending的,是不是有什么问题?因为用的信用卡 ...


水印儿 发表于 13-6-5 21:15:04


sy3chy 发表于 13-6-5 22:50:00


biebie 发表于 13-6-5 23:07:49

sy3chy 发表于 13-6-5 22:50 static/image/common/back.gif
我也遇到过,我也用的是国内的卡,我当时发邮件问了,是因为我订的东西当时卖光了。网站没有及时更新,所以 ...


fwzflqwer 发表于 13-6-5 23:12:27

情况会有很多种,如果有购买记录一般都是所订东西缺货或者是付款确认有问题。 第一种情况留意下注册邮箱,一般会发邮件咨询你的意见
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