KMgroup 发表于 11-12-21 15:46:43

好消息---H-K1 獲勝意大利賽事 (18/12/2011)

本帖最后由 KMgroup 于 11-12-21 16:01 编辑

好消息---H-K1 獲勝意大利賽事 (18/12/2011)

賽事名稱:Italy Roddi Christmas Trophy

H-K1車手獎項 :

最佳圈速—Christian Costanzo
賽道紀錄—Christian Costanzo
TQ-- Christian Costanzo
冠軍—Christian Costanzo

Below his race report:
Yesterday we attended the race I mentioned last week, the car has proved to be easy to ride and very reliable although the temperature was 8 degrees.

We got the track record, the pole position and we won with an advantage of 4 rounds on the second.

The car has been successful and many people asked me news about the car.

I can hardly wait to try the new pieces you sent me, weather permitting whereas It's snow time here in Italy.



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