leecan 发表于 11-12-3 10:44:12


查阅说明书,ZX-5用的是TEFLON SHIELDED BEARING,这种轴承好不好呢,需不需要OP呢?


Metal shielded bearings have a small gap between the inner race and the side shield so they have less friction but gap allows dirt and dust to enter which means more frequent cleaning required.

Teflon shielded bearings have teflon shield which actually rubs against the inner race of the bearing (albeit slightly), so they have a little more friction but keep dirt out better.

Rubber sealed bearings seal even better than teflon, so you are getting maximum dirt protection but at a cost of more friction again.

For dusty off road tracks I recommend teflon or rubber seals for all the hubs and diff outdrives.

For touring cars shielded bearings are usually fine but if you don't like cleaning the transmission then put teflon or rubber sealed bearings on the diff outdrives.

leecan 发表于 11-12-4 09:46:07


cheney 发表于 11-12-4 13:34:13

leecan 发表于 11-12-4 09:46 static/image/common/back.gif

你是哪个zx5。 我的是zx5 fs2 sp kit 已经是碳化轴承了。 不知你说的哪款zx5

cheney 发表于 11-12-4 13:37:24

leecan 发表于 11-12-4 09:46 static/image/common/back.gif

原厂的已经很ok了 你可以跑野外之前按国外资料所说 进行上油工作。我个人觉得没必要我平时都是把轴承清洗后浸泡在油中 出去前再组装

cheney 发表于 11-12-4 13:42:54

回复 leecan 的帖子

英文大意是说滚珠轴承容易进沙子 需要清洗特富龙图层的摩擦系数高 维护小   

个人觉得依据场地选择吧 还要看你平时是否频繁娱乐

leecan 发表于 11-12-4 21:57:36

回复 cheney 的帖子


WZERO 发表于 11-12-5 17:13:25

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查看完整版本: ZX-5的原车轴承好不好呢?需要OP吗?