Taylor James 正式加入 S-WORKz
Yesterday hurried and frantic emails were arriving from S-WORKz' US distributor announcing the arrival of Taylor James to their team. Taylor hit his career heights back in 2008 before placing a bit more focus on college.S-WORKz have parachuted in and snapped up Taylor until 2012 and we understand he will probably be using S-WORKz' own line of S-POWER engines rather than RB that he used for most of 2011.
:handshake沙发!。。。。。。。:lol 又多位猛将兄! 偶不認識他..但偶認識S-WOEKZ:em07::em07: 猛将兄:em07::em07::em07:好像黑涩会 恭喜S-WOEKZ又多一个强劲车手~:em01: 恭喜恭喜啊......平哥有没有中文介绍啊??? 看不懂:em30:S-WOEKZ确实好车,,,每次比赛都忍不住多看几眼 我不认识这个占士,这个占士也不认识我。不过,看小平师兄这么郑重的宣布,想必也不是等闲之辈。 亦是快人一名! 标志下面很隐约的都能看到那浓密的森林!