yst 发表于 11-7-17 11:10:34

Virtual Racing VRC游戏中视觉切换的一点小TIPS

Camera Views
While racing you can select different camera views by pressing the F2 key or pressing the camera icon on the toolbar.The following views are available:
1.Drivers' stand -- The camera is locked in the drivers' stand, giving a view like you would get when driving real RC cars.
2. TV View -- This view is primarily for the Demo mode (AI cars) and watching replays.It can also be fun to park your car somewhere off the track and simply watch the computer controlled cars race each other.This view switches automatically between a few different cameras on track to give a television style impression of the racing action.Once in this view, you can switch between different cars either by pressing the F4 key (next car) or using the numbers 0-9 on your keyboard.0 will focus the camera on your own car.You can also toggle through the different cameras with the F3 key.This key will lock the TV camera to the one that was active when the F3 key was pressed.The view will no longer switch between the TV cameras as the car in focus drives around the track.This allows you to view an entire lap from a single camera.To get the TV cameras to start cycling again, use F2 to switch through the other views and back to TV cam again.The cycling mode is now reset.
3.Rear Car View --This is an arcade type view from behind the car.Note:This view is not available during online racing.Virtual RC Racing is a simulator, so for competition you must use the drivers' stand view.The Rear Car View is available for beginners when racing offline only.
4. Telemetry -- This is similar to the rear car view, except the camera is directly above the car and points in the same direction your car is facing.



VRC在运行时,有四种视觉可供切换。可以鼠标点击界面上方的"摄像机View"按钮来切换,也可以按F2快捷键切换 。
1. Drviers' Stand: 操控台视觉。跟平时玩车的视觉一样,玩家从操控台上看。
2. TV view: TV摄像头视觉。默认是2台固定的场地2侧的TV摄像机的视觉。当车子靠近左侧摄像机则切换为左侧摄像机视觉,否则切换为右侧摄像机视觉。
3. Rear Car View: 从车子后方看的视觉。车子就在你面前,车子转动时视觉跟着转动。
4. Telemetry: 遥感视觉。类似在车顶安装了一个摄像头,你看到的就是车顶摄像头的景象。(蕾西普通玩PC赛车游戏的Bumper视觉,不过高了一些)

当玩家切换到TV view的时候,默认是左右2台摄像机切换,中心是玩家操控的车子。
如果玩的时候,有选择多人模式,也就是有电脑车辆参与的情况下,TV view视觉是可以将视觉切换到电脑的车子,可以观看电脑的走线。我觉得是个很有用的办法。因为操控台上的视觉,肯定会对赛道的形状造成视觉差,对走线有影响。很多时候自己以为最佳的走线,未必是实际中最佳的线位。


按F2切换为TV view视觉,中心为玩家的车子




yst 发表于 11-7-17 11:13:21



janhen 发表于 11-7-17 12:20:05


shb99 发表于 11-7-21 13:43:37

Win7 32位系统能装么?

yst 发表于 11-7-21 13:46:16

shb99 发表于 11-7-21 13:43 static/image/common/back.gif
Win7 32位系统能装么?

可以,我就是WIN 7 32bit

颜俊文 发表于 11-7-22 10:06:25

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