TEAM C T8T !!!
看来TEAM C T8T 很快就来啦!!!Team C coming out of Hong Kong is a brand that hasn't featured too much outside of it's home markets however having taken part at the buggy Worlds last year they are moving ahead with new projects. One such project is their new truggy, the T8T, which the company tell us is currently in the final stages of track testing with a anticipated release date of September 2011. Design wise the T8T has a fairly proven layout, much of the inboard engine/radio/servos/fuel are pushed far forward, separate battery & receiver boxes, traditional servo positioning with front & rear ends not exhibiting anything too radical, all in all a solid looking truggy. 疯狂抢占沙发 马拉,你一定会入手的是吗?我要试车:em11: 会出电的吗 ????? 锋驰电掣 发表于 11-7-12 18:45 static/image/common/back.gif
两个月以前看过电的T8T,也不知道什么时候出 看上去很帅~~~~~ 等待电版~~~~~~~~~~~ 原来真系准备出~~~~~~ 真不错,很给力,玩家又多了一个选择。