2.5R飞了 发表于 11-5-14 18:31:17

Durango 设计师不干了???

Durango main designer Michael Vollmer, the man who along with Gerd Strenge created the DEX410 and DNX408, got in touch to tell us that he has left the company.
Unhappy with compromises he had to take in his design work, he handed in his notice and will now concentrate on working with other companies through his design company Revolution Design.
Michael released the following statement:
After nearly 3 years of collaboration with Team Durango, which was founded by Gerd Strenge and I, I feel the time is now right to search for a new challenge.
Having designed the most innovative 4WD electric Off Road car on the market, the most innovative nitro Off Road car on the market and the no less innovative future projects for Team Durango, the differences of opinion between myself as a designer and the Team Durango management has become to great to continue.
As a designer you always have to make compromises between what you as a designer want and what the company require, which is normal in business.
Its a shame to leave as I will lose some of the nicest colleagues a man could wish for Also I wish my friend Gerd all the best for the future.Now I feel is the time to to create something new.
I will continue my work through my design office Revolution Design located in Hamburg/Germany and I am looking to work with RC companies on any RC relevant projects where the client is looking for innovative, stylish and creative design


http://www.rcfans.com/bbs/xwb/images/bgimg/icon_logo.png 该贴已经同步到 2.5R飞了的微博

RANKS 发表于 11-5-14 18:33:43


2.5R飞了 发表于 11-5-14 18:51:42

恩 1月份的事情.......

yang867206610 发表于 11-5-15 01:00:59

:em29:Durango设计者迈克尔Vollmer主要的人,Strenge随着胃食管反流病,创造了DEX410 DNX408取得了联系,告诉我们他已经离开了这家公司。


迈克尔公布如下声明:7 Y / Y - w9 P1 ~ *[的a3 H1 n



作为一个设计师,你总是不得不做出妥协你作为一个设计师想做什么和做什么这个公司要求,这是正常的,在business.9 ^ ' g7 m)地震} % m $ L2 Y



yang867206610 发表于 11-5-15 01:01:46


aaa645215671 发表于 11-5-15 01:20:26

bo68674 发表于 11-5-15 17:11:10


fa1 发表于 11-5-15 20:58:07


SKYHY 发表于 11-5-15 21:44:31


wxcsi 发表于 11-5-15 21:53:40

作者沒提到胃食管反流 更沒有提到钢筋混凝土
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