Team C T2 Factory Team Edition 高级版TC02
本帖最后由 zch 于 11-4-4 22:09 编辑刚刚在网上看到,很毒啊,手里已经积压了大把TC02的配件,要不要再入个T2补个仓呢:em19:
Team C have released information on their new T2 Factory Team Edition, an upgraded version of their TC02 WD Buggy. It comes supplied with big bore shock absorbers, alloy arm mounts, carbon shock towers and alloy caster blocks, rear hubs & motor plate. Expect a May release.
还有配上大大大大大避震哦 :victory: 很精致的车车啊!如果有相应的车场就好了。 TC02C什么时候有后碳铅油压架?塑料看着不爽 太正了,会不会来个TC02C的T2版本呢:em02:?上面说预计5月上市,要真是1500以内的话我觉得就真太便宜了 改动不是很大