Team Durango DNX-408出手啦。新签给力的车手
Team Durango DNX-408出手啦。新签给力的车手 One of the UK’s and Europe’s most naturally talented drivers joins Team Durango. Team Durango are delighted to have Elliott on board. As well as being a regular BRCA national winner and Euros junior champion, Elliott set the 6th fastest time in one of the earliest qualification rounds at the Pattaya worlds, without any pre-event practice; which really shows Elliott’s raw talent. The DNX408’s fast but secure handling will suit his aggressive style, but for the next couple of months it’s just a case of him getting some track time with the new car to be best prepared for the 2011 season. One of Elliott’s first outings for Team Durango will be with the DEX410 10th scale 4wd buggy, which should keep his thumbs defrosted while snow limits what’s possible with his 8th scale DNX408.
原来是无限精机的 呵呵 :em11:USA车手比较强力... 给力.......头发哪里染的吖.... 是无限精机的车,,, 车比人漂亮多了。哈哈 是无限精机的车,,,
shaoshoufu 发表于 10-12-30 16:29
他以前是呀。。现在不是啦。哈哈 RB FUEL很贵吧??????比赛专用??45%的??? 顶级的车配顶级选手! EB貌似跑的车全是一线品牌啊!下次世界赛看看Eb和408能摩擦出什么火花!